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Colum Place Interview

Colum Place Interview

Posted on 20 September 2020 by Rowenna

If you don’t like the look of any of the halls of residences, there is always university owned houses! Colum place house is situated in between Talybont halls and the university campus […]

Creating a Balanced Lifestyle whilst Learning Online

Creating a Balanced Lifestyle whilst Learning Online

Posted on 19 September 2020 by Ellie

Learning online has a ton of advantages with attending lectures in your pyjamas being just one of them. However, as we all begin to navigate this crazy new world we […]

My university experience!

My university experience!

Posted on 18 September 2020 by Devika

Hello! Bonjour! I am Devika and am here to share my experience of studying in the Cardiff University. I am from Kerala, India, (you can google it later) and am […]

Books to help you survive university

Books to help you survive university

Posted on 16 September 2020 by Jess

I have found so many books useful whilst at university, and wanted to inform prospective students about these.  One main factor of moving away from home is cooking. There are […]

Working from Home

Working from Home

Posted on 9 September 2020 by Zoe

Working from home is something most of us hadn’t really experienced before COVID-19. However, with lectures starting to be taught through Zoom, and remote working becoming the new norm for a lot […]

Navigating a Brand New City

Navigating a Brand New City

Posted on 28 August 2020 by Ellie

Starting university comes with a whole set of worries and uncertainties and more often than not, this includes finding your way around an entirely brand new city. Whether you are […]

A Letter to my Fresher Self

A Letter to my Fresher Self

Posted on 24 August 2020 by Ellie

Dear Fresher Self, Firstly, I am jealous. I am jealous that you are about to begin three of the best years of your life. I know you won’t believe me […]

How to Prepare for the Start of a New University Year

How to Prepare for the Start of a New University Year

Posted on 21 August 2020 by Ellie

We are just over a month away from the start of a brand new uni year, and I’m surely not the only one who can’t believe how quickly it has […]

What to bring to uni?

What to bring to uni?

Posted on 20 August 2020 by Ellen

Firstly, if you're reading this after having been officially accepted into Cardiff, congratulations! What an achievement and relief to reach the end of your application journey. This blog is useful […]

My Experience Studying Journalism and Communications at Cardiff University

My Experience Studying Journalism and Communications at Cardiff University

Posted on 4 August 2020 by Ellie

Being a fresh BA Journalism and Communications graduate and official alumni of Cardiff University, I am now able to fully reflect on the three best years of my life right […]