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Digital education

Using the Student Activity Log

18 March 2025

This blog is written by Sonia Maurer, a Learning Technologist at the Learning and Teaching Academy. Sonia produces resources and training for the rollout of Blackboard Ultra to the Learning Central platform, and has recently been working on the Learning Central Good Practice Guide, helping staff get the best out of the online learning environment.

The Student Activity Log allows you to view a specific student’s recent log-ins and module activity. This can be very useful to help identify students at risk, for troubleshooting, or provide evidence in academic disputes.

You can access the Activity Log through the student profile page, which is reached by clicking on their name in the Class Register, Gradebook or anywhere else it appears as a link.

Click on the Activity Log tab to see a list of all their activity in the module, for up to the last 140 days:

Interactions with Panopto, Turnitin and Leganto are also captured; these appear as ‘LTI links’. Test submissions also include an additional link to the more detailed Test Attempt Log.

You can filter the list by activity type and by date:

Further information

See Learning Central Essentials: Analytics for more information about using Learning Central analytics.

Get Involved

Do you have any helpful tricks or tips when using Learning Central? Please do get in touch with the Learning and Teaching Academy: