My experience at the Student Champion Poster Exhibition 2021
14 April 2022
Written by Chloe Rideout, Administrative Officer
The Student Champion Poster Exhibition last year was an event I truly will never forget. At the time, I was new to the department and the scheme so, attended the Poster Exhibition unaware of what a fantastic event and scheme this really is!
With COVID restrictions in full swing, the Champion Poster Exhibition for a second-year running was virtual- so sadly, this meant no free food, pens, or lanyards- some of the perks to attending events pre pandemic!
New to the department, I clicked the ‘join now’ button. Eagerly waiting for the event to kick start, top half only ‘smartly’ dressed, I looked through the event programme and Teams Site. Second on the agenda, ‘Poster Sessions’, the Champions split into four groups and presented on four different themes- Data Analysis, Creating Resources, Gathering Feedback, and Student Insights. The Champions spoke about the work they had been involved with and the impact they had on projects but also the student experience. Two minutes into the poster sessions and I came to quickly realise it’s a scheme that deserves to be celebrated and shouted about from every roof top.
I found myself mesmerised by the sheer amount of fantastic work the Champions had done and been involved in. From contributing to communications and strategy resources, shaping survey designs, to user testing the Cardiff Uni App- It was clear that their input was invaluable in positively shaping the student experience and helping shape strategic direction.
Next on the agenda, presentations from External Project Owners (Cardiff University Staff members). Talks covered a wide range of topics, from Careers and Employability, Learning Technologies resources, to Connectedness in the school of BIOSI. External Project Owners presented collaboratively with Champions who had worked on their project discussing the project aims, outcomes, and next steps whilst the Champions spoke about the input they had. Listening to the impact the Champions have had on work, and individuals was astonishing. The utter gratitude and enthusiasm towards the scheme from both staff members and Student Champions was riveting. It was obvious this scheme was highly valued, a precious gemstone, by anyone who had the amazing chance to work with it.
Finally, the event ended with a Q&A session with the Pro-Vice Chancellor, Education and Student Experience, Claire Morgan, and the Student Champions, which truly demonstrated the true partnership and collaboration the scheme offers.
If you are interested in working with the Student Champion scheme for the upcoming academic year or would like to know more about what the scheme achieves and its impact, I would strongly recommend coming to this year’s Poster Exhibition, on 22 June 2022. You can ask the Student Champions questions regarding the scheme and hear firsthand from current Champions and staff members the impact the scheme has had on their work and them as individuals.
One of our main goals is to collaboratively work with our students as partners to positively enhance the student experience, and the Student Champion scheme offers just that opportunity.
Register for the event and find out more about how you could work with the Student Champions.
There may have been no free pens, lanyards, or food, but that really didn’t matter- because it was fantastic just the way it was.