
Space Super Stars Competition

Cardiff University, School of Physics and Astronomy are delighted to host The National Astronomy Meeting 2023 (NAM23) in July 2023.

To celebrate the event, we are inviting you to share your love of all things space in one of two ways in our exciting competitions.
1st Prize = £50 of Space Goodies
2nd Prize = £30 of Space Goodies
3rd Prize = £20 of Space Goodies
Winners will be invited to a celebration event at NAM on 6 July 2023

ART (ages 4-14)
Produce a piece of art that expresses an element of space or your imagination of space. This could take the form of a drawing, painting, model (including digital models) or structure, and should be accompanied by a short description (max 100 words).
Prize categories: Foundation Phase, KS2, KS3
LITERACY (ages 7-14)
Produce a piece of literature expressing an element of space or your imagination of space. This could take the form of a poem, a story, a song or a short written piece, but needs to fit on one page. Submissions can be in English or Welsh.
Prize categories: KS2, KS3

To submit entries, we ask that schools internally select and submit no more than 6 entries per school across all categories. Please email entries (or photos of entries) to Chemaine Barrett (barrettc10@cardiff.ac.uk) by 31 March 2023. Please ensure that you provide the school name and names and ages of each submitted entry. Winners will be announced and contacted via email by 28 April 2023.

We welcome entries from home educated children.

To find out more about Public Engagement at NAM23 please visit https://nam2023.org/public-engagement