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Posted on 8 July 2024 by

Can bad people be good judges? This question would have been unintelligible before the rise of the modern state, when moral character and expertise were deemed as inextricably linked.  Personal […]

Honesty and Radically Opposing Views: Flat-Earthers, Apocalyptic Preachers, and 2020 American Election-Deniers

Honesty and Radically Opposing Views: Flat-Earthers, Apocalyptic Preachers, and 2020 American Election-Deniers

Posted on 25 January 2021 by

One of the common labels used to condemn the other side is ‘dishonest.’ They are a bunch of liars. Or cheaters. Or deceivers. Don’t trust anything they say. We see […]

Places of formation: Cultivating open-mindedness amongst university students

Places of formation: Cultivating open-mindedness amongst university students

Posted on 30 December 2019 by

Bethan Willis                             Ed Brooks In the ongoing discussions around Brexit our relationship to place, near and far, […]

Forgiveness: A Consoling and Troubling Virtue

Forgiveness: A Consoling and Troubling Virtue

Posted on 30 July 2018 by

On the evening of April 22nd 1993 Stephen Lawrence was murdered in a racially motivated attack. The nineteen year old had been waiting for a bus in Eltham, South East […]

How to Find Wisdom in a Divided Society

How to Find Wisdom in a Divided Society

Posted on 1 January 2018 by ,

It is not a debate that political division in the U.S., UK and many other European countries is at an all-time high. In the U.S., disagreement on the topics of […]