In reflection on my previous blog on small things that you can do to be more sustainable as a Cardiff University student, I've found five more tips that I try […]
Being a student living away from home, the quest for economical yet delectable dishes that provide a glimpse into different cultures can indeed be a daunting task. However, I've managed […]
Indian students living away from home often find themselves longing for the comforting flavours of Indian street food, and one dish that tops the list is Pav Bhaji. While the […]
Being a student often means having a busy schedule, but that doesn't mean you have to sacrifice delicious meals. This speedy Thai curry recipe combines a handful of vegetables, coconut […]
As a society, we are generally becoming more conscious of the impact of human actions on the environment. This is slowly starting to impact our patterns of consumption in what […]
Living at University can lead to you experiencing all different kinds of emotions and feelings- be it joy, excitement, exhilaration, or feelings like loneliness, boredom, and tiredness. Not all days […]
Cooking at uni can be time-consuming, costly and inefficient. Especially for students who may be their first time living alone and consistently cooking for themselves on a budget, it can […]
Keeping to a budget at university can be a challenge. From trying to keep up with the lifestyle of friends to wanting to experience the most of the city, this […]
With the cost-of-living crisis and electricity prices on the rise, our old food habits and cooking in the oven is becoming a luxury rather than the daily norm. But there […]
Ever felt so lazy to cook yet you’re starving? Don’t worry it’s not just you, so many people feel this especially when bummed with a lot of work or busy […]