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Asesiadau yn Ystod COVID-19

Asesiadau yn Ystod COVID-19

Posted on 10 March 2021 by Shôn

Rwyf eisioes wedi trafod fy mhrofiadau o addysg wyneb-yn-wyneb yn ystod fy ngradd ymsang y flwyddyn hon, ond beth am asesiadau ac arholiadau? Yn y blog yma, rwyf yn bwriadu […]

Managing Online Lectures

Managing Online Lectures

Posted on 28 May 2020 by Rowenna

Thanks to Covid-19 and the government enforced lockdown, university systems and how lectures are delivered have been impacted in universities up and down the country. For many, this has meant online […]

Top 10 Tips to Stay Productive at Home

Top 10 Tips to Stay Productive at Home

Posted on 28 May 2020 by Rowenna

Covid-19 has turned our lives upside down, altered our way of life and created many obstacles – one of which is studying at home.  Some of you may have brothers and sisters who […]

Preparing for Online Assessments

Preparing for Online Assessments

Posted on 27 April 2020 by Zoe

Given the current circumstances, the majority of us will now undertake online exams and assessments in place of our usual face-to-face exams. Here are a few tips to help you […]

How to: Meditate

How to: Meditate

Posted on 18 April 2020 by Rowenna

These are troubling times, and feeling stress and anxiety is normal in situations like these. It can feel crushing, but you can manage these feelings with meditation if you know how. You may groan at this, but […]