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News Journalism: Useful shorthand outlines

News Journalism: Useful shorthand outlines

Posted on 26 July 2022 by Rowenna

In your shorthand studies, you will be taught outlines that are not in the revision guide. These are really helpful, but if you do not make a note of them […]

Overcoming exam stress at Cardiff University

Overcoming exam stress at Cardiff University

Posted on 16 June 2022 by Pui Kuan

Exam and assessment periods at University are understandably stressful, and sometimes even overwhelming. However, since every student goes through it, it’s important to keep in mind that you are not […]

An introduction to university exams

An introduction to university exams

Posted on 22 April 2022 by James

Broken up into three divisions, a typical undergraduate year at Cardiff University consists of two main teaching semesters in autumn and spring, accompanied by the examination period running from approximately […]

Tips to Study over Easter Break  

Posted on 11 March 2022 by Ayushi

Tips to Study over Easter Break         As a third-year student, I know how enticing it is to give in to the temptation to just watch Netflix and relax […]

Study Tips: Catching up on old Anki decks!

Study Tips: Catching up on old Anki decks!

Posted on 8 September 2021 by Nick

Welcome to my fourth blog in my own mini-series on ‘Study Tips’ where I aim to share advice on different study tips I have found useful. Hopefully, we can start […]

Study Tips: Spaced Repetition

Study Tips: Spaced Repetition

Posted on 6 September 2021 by Nick

Welcome to my third blog in my own mini-series on ‘Study Tips’ where I aim to share advice on different study tips, I have found useful. Hopefully, we can start […]

Study Tips: Using Active Recall to save time revising

Study Tips: Using Active Recall to save time revising

Posted on 18 August 2021 by Nick

Welcome to my second blog in my own mini-series on ‘Study Tips’ where I aim to share advice on different techniques that I have found useful. Hopefully, we can start […]

Study tips – Pomodoro Technique

Study tips – Pomodoro Technique

Posted on 11 August 2021 by Nick

University can often create anxiety among students, due to changes in how the curriculum is taught and the level of self-directed learning expected.Personally, I found the jump between A-levels and […]

How to unwind after exams

How to unwind after exams

Posted on 12 May 2021 by Miah

I am lucky enough to have finished all my assignments for university this year but I know many uni students are still doing exams and many A-Level students are also […]

Adapting to Online Learning

Adapting to Online Learning

Posted on 30 April 2021 by Zoe

Being on a course that usually has a lot of contact hours and time spent in the laboratory, I was very hesitant when it came to online learning. I was […]