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Travel experiences

I’m half way!

Posted on 20 October 2016 by Lorna Hayne

It’s week 7 here out of a 12-week term, it’s scary how fast time here is flying by and I’m beginning to panic that I won’t get everything I want […]

Science Fair

Posted on 18 August 2016 by Samantha Edgson

Today we went to the science fair at Ubon Ratchathani University. We left at around 9.30 and travelled on the school bus with some of my G.12 students. I don’t […]

My First Sick Day

Posted on 16 August 2016 by Samantha Edgson

So today I had my G.10 class that I was dreading first thing at 8.30am. It sounds silly to say that I wasn’t looking forward to a class, but it’s […]

A Tough Day

A Tough Day

Posted on 15 August 2016 by Samantha Edgson

So today was a difficult day, looking back I think it was mostly my doing though. I had three lessons today and I was still a bit tired from the […]

Nakhonchai Air

Posted on 14 August 2016 by Samantha Edgson

We were up at 7am this morning and rushed out by 7.30am (I had just about enough time to clean my teeth) so that Aum could get us on a […]

Nakhon Sawan

Posted on 13 August 2016 by Samantha Edgson

So we thought we had until at least 8am to get ready to go to the waterfall. But would it really be Thailand without surprises? Instead Aum woke us up […]

To Aum’s

Posted on 12 August 2016 by Samantha Edgson

Today I managed to sleep past 8am. It was great. I packed and updated my blog in the morning before we left. I also, however found out that there had […]

Mother’s Day

Posted on 11 August 2016 by Samantha Edgson

Today we had the day of school to hold a ceremony to celebrate mother’s day. If you’re confused about why mothers' day is in August, it is because in Thailand […]

Back to Ubon Ratchathai

Posted on 7 August 2016 by Samantha Edgson

This was our one sleep-in today, and somehow my body woke me up at 8am. Which is a sleep-in compared to 6.30am, but still! I would have preferred to sleep […]

Finally in Khon Kaen

Posted on 6 August 2016 by Samantha Edgson

We woke up at 7am and got ready in half an hour. We left the hotel at 7.40am and walked to the bus station which was only a five-minute walk […]

Leaving for Khon Kaen

Leaving for Khon Kaen

Posted on 5 August 2016 by Samantha Edgson

I was back to my normal classes today. As much as the younger years are adorable and it was really nice having a Thai speaker leading the lesson, I did […]

Thunder Castle

Thunder Castle

Posted on 30 July 2016 by Samantha Edgson

I woke up at 5am this morning so I could shower and make sure I had packed everything. As much as it was a sensible idea, I really wish I […]

Central Plaza

Central Plaza

Posted on 23 July 2016 by Samantha Edgson

Today we had a much appreciated lie in, and an endless supply of toast, which was even more appreciated. We also got to play with the dogs before breakfast. Needless […]

The Candle Festival

The Candle Festival

Posted on 20 July 2016 by Samantha Edgson

I woke up around 3am and couldn’t get back to sleep so I looked up various TEFL courses. Since being in Thailand the idea of teaching abroad after I graduate […]

Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai

Posted on 17 July 2016 by Samantha Edgson

Because we were so crazy and excited to go to Chiang Mai, we booked a 8.20am flight there. This meant waking up at 4.45am to leave at 6am (at the […]

Damn, Sirindhorn Dam

Damn, Sirindhorn Dam

Posted on 16 July 2016 by Samantha Edgson

This Saturday morning we woke up at 6.30am, not because we were going crazy after two weeks in Thailand, but because we were going rafting at 10 at Sirindhorn Dam. […]

Diwedd Semester 1

Diwedd Semester 1

Posted on 23 February 2015 by Elin Jones

Unwaith eto mae amser wedi hedfan heb i mi sylweddoli! Erbyn hyn dwi adra yn mwynhau 6 wythnos o wiliau cyn dychwelyd i Berlin am yr 2il Semester ar ddechrau […]


Posted on 30 January 2015 by Naomi Machin

So, 16 days until departure; I cannot believe how quick time has gone. It seems like only yesterday I was applying to study abroad for my second term at Cardiff […]

A month in Salamanca learning Spanish

A month in Salamanca learning Spanish

Posted on 8 September 2014 by Juliette Jensen

Pre-departure The best feeling was when I received an email congratulating me on my success in achieving a grant to study abroad. I had the option of choosing where to […]

Chris speaks to Student Blas about Volunteering in Africa

Chris speaks to Student Blas about Volunteering in Africa

Posted on 4 September 2014 by Christopher Beynon

Blas caught up with Chris Beynon, a final year Economics student who spent last summer volunteering in Burundi, a small country in central Africa with Tearfund as part of the […]