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Things to remember before you go on your year abroad…

Posted on 27 September 2019 by Alice Clifford

Starting your year abroad is extremely daunting in many ways, therefore it is important to be prepared in order to make your move as easy as possible and allow yourself […]

Hiking to Vettakollen

Hiking to Vettakollen

Posted on 22 September 2019 by Tammy-Louise Wilkins

Since being diagnosed with chronic pain and fatigue conditions nine years ago, it is fair to say athletic activity has not been on my agenda. I spent the years leading […]

From Vikings to Munch: A tour of Oslo’s museums

From Vikings to Munch: A tour of Oslo’s museums

Posted on 13 September 2019 by Tammy-Louise Wilkins

One of the many things that I have quickly grown to love from living in Norway is the transport system. For £40 a month, I can travel anywhere on bus, […]

All you need to know about preparing to go on your Erasmus year abroad

Posted on 12 September 2019 by Mary Robinson

So you've decided you want to go on an Erasmus year abroad (and also decided that my intro was cliche, don't worry I'm not that impressed either) and you've done […]

Five reasons to visit Sognsvann Lake

Five reasons to visit Sognsvann Lake

Posted on 30 August 2019 by Tammy-Louise Wilkins

1. It is people friendly. As much as swimming in the Fjords was enjoyable, I did exit the water with very bloody feet. Sognsvann is a popular hangout spot for […]

My first week in Oslo

My first week in Oslo

Posted on 17 August 2019 by Tammy-Louise Wilkins

It has been exactly a week since I moved to Oslo, Norway and what a week it has been. It has not been easy; there have been metro mishaps, social […]

Erasmus+ Forms: Cardiff University vs. Universitetet i Oslo

Erasmus+ Forms: Cardiff University vs. Universitetet i Oslo

Posted on 5 August 2019 by Tammy-Louise Wilkins

When I received my nomination to the University of Oslo at the end of January, my checklist was quite small. Over time, it grew to what it is now. I […]

Finding the right travel arrangements for studying abroad

Finding the right travel arrangements for studying abroad

Posted on 5 August 2019 by Tammy-Louise Wilkins

Throughout completing the tasks for the financial and the medical sections of the preparation checklist, the travel arrangements I needed to make for the journey to Norway was on my mind. Unlike students travelling […]

How I prepared to study abroad with long-term health conditions

How I prepared to study abroad with long-term health conditions

Posted on 5 August 2019 by Tammy-Louise Wilkins

Health precautions can be as simple as a general check-up with the general practitioner, optician and dentist, vaccine evaluation and a supply of contraception. For others, like myself, who have long-term […]

How I prepared financially to study abroad

How I prepared financially to study abroad

Posted on 5 August 2019 by Tammy-Louise Wilkins

Amongst the studying abroad process, there comes the realisation that there is a lot of administration and preparation to be done. I’ve spoken about the things to consider before applying, the […]

Applying for Norwegian accommodation

Applying for Norwegian accommodation

Posted on 5 August 2019 by Tammy-Louise Wilkins

After getting accepted to study abroad by both my home and host university, it was time to begin thinking about my living situation. At Cardiff University, students travelling for a […]

The process of applying for Erasmus+ with ENCAP

The process of applying for Erasmus+ with ENCAP

Posted on 5 August 2019 by Tammy-Louise Wilkins

The Erasmus+ Application is a lengthy process. First, you will initially apply to your university; upon getting a nomination, you will need to apply to the host university, and then […]

In fair Verona…

Posted on 17 February 2019 by Phoebe Grinter

As I prepare for the start of my second semester at the Università di Verona, I thought I'd talk a bit more about the city itself. It is best known […]

Settling (back) in

Posted on 29 January 2019 by Phoebe Grinter

Coming back to Verona after four weeks at home for Christmas to be greeted by exams is not fun. After all the comforts of home, the excitement of Christmas and […]

Culture Shock in France!

Culture Shock in France!

Posted on 25 January 2019 by Kimberly Field

Culture shock. All travellers have experienced the same. When you first arrive in a country, it can be tricky adjusting to the new culture. The way of life can be […]

It’s all fun and games

Posted on 19 December 2018 by Phoebe Grinter

At Verona university the Erasmus society is highly regarded, and rightly so. They organised a freshers’ fortnight specifically for Erasmus students which included meals, nights out and aperitivo evenings where […]

What exams?

Posted on 9 December 2018 by Phoebe Grinter

As I sit in the library attempting to write the longest essay I’ve ever written – 5000 words, pray for me – I decide I need a *debatably* well-earned break! […]


Posted on 6 December 2018 by Phoebe Grinter

Before I start this post I just want to make it clear that my aim is not to put you off doing a year abroad at all, but I feel […]

A helping hand…

Posted on 5 December 2018 by Phoebe Grinter

Before I chose to study at the wonderful Università degli studi di Verona in Italy, I went through the arduous process of the deciding what to do for my year […]

El Legado de Franco

Posted on 5 August 2018 by Katie Elgie

One period of Spain’s history which has always fascinated me is the Franco and post-Franco era. I’ve always been intrigued by the way that Spain transitioned from a false democracy, […]