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The start of my time in Chambéry, France

The start of my time in Chambéry, France

Posted on 21 December 2014 by Alice Whelan

I am a French and Spanish third year student at Cardiff University, currently in south-east France in the small Alpine city of Chambéry. For the first semester of my Year […]

Making it to Nantes

Making it to Nantes

Posted on 8 December 2014 by Chloë Hathway

Bonjour from France! I’m a third year BA French & Italian student, currently on my Year Abroad which is a compulsory component of my degree (lucky me!). Although I've been […]

Ich liebe Berlin

Ich liebe Berlin

Posted on 7 December 2014 by Elin Jones

Y Reichstag   Fy enw i ydi Elin Jones, a dwi’n astudio Almaeneg a Cherddoriaeth ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd. Fel rhan o fy nghwrs mae hi’n orfodol i fi dreulio blwyddyn […]

Coucou, tout le monde!

Coucou, tout le monde!

Posted on 26 November 2014 by Kathryn Muldoon

L'hôtel de ville de Lyon Three very eventful months into the first stage of my Erasmus story, it’s probably time to reflect a little on my time so far in […]

The city of Leuven – how did it ‘plan’ out?

Posted on 28 August 2014 by Wendy Maden

Wendy Maden, final year student on the BSc City and Regional Planning, reflects on her experience of studying abroad through the Erasmus programme Wendy, third from the right, pictured in […]