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My First Day Teaching

My First Day Teaching

Posted on 11 July 2016 by Samantha Edgson

So having done no planning the previous day, I spent the first two hours of my day panicking about the three classes I had. I managed to put together a […]

My First Day at School

My First Day at School

Posted on 11 July 2016 by Samantha Edgson

Despite that we weren’t teaching on Monday, we still had to get up incredibly early. We went to breakfast at 7.30am to be introduced to the school at their assembly […]

English Quiz

Posted on 11 July 2016 by Samantha Edgson

Today we did not get pancakes. It was incredibly disappointing during the early morning after a weekend of relaxing. We did get fried egg and rice though, so it wasn’t […]

The First 24 Hours

Posted on 10 July 2016 by Hebe Fletcher

For friends and family: Anyone who knows me, will know how excited I have been about this trip for a very long time. The wannabe Parisian in me has been […]

The Day of Rest in Ubon

Posted on 10 July 2016 by Samantha Edgson

Sleeping in until 8am the next day was blissful. With breakfast being at 9am we didn’t need to be up too early. At breakfast we were all offered tea or […]

Travelling Again

Posted on 10 July 2016 by Samantha Edgson

After reluctantly pulling myself out of bed, showering and having a minimal breakfast, all of us traipsed downstairs to anxiously weigh our luggage. I had over packed my hand luggage, […]

Jet-lagged in the City of Angels

Posted on 8 July 2016 by Samantha Edgson

My first impression of Bangkok was endless traffic I could see out of the window of the minibus from the airport to the hotel.  Except when I fell asleep, but even that was because of […]

Travelling to the Kingdom of Thailand

Posted on 8 July 2016 by Samantha Edgson

What’s so great about getting up at 3.30 am on a Wednesday in June? No, it was not the fabulous sunrise. Nor was it baked beans on toast with a […]

No thinking, no boundaries, all heart.

No thinking, no boundaries, all heart.

Posted on 29 February 2016 by Sara Rahman

In the the last year I travelled to 11 countries, and 8 of those were in Asia. I visited Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand. Asia, […]

Some advice.

Some advice.

Posted on 21 February 2016 by Sara Rahman

After 4 months of studying abroad, 5 and a half weeks of backpacking, and 4 weeks of settling back into Welsh living, I’m back in Cardiff to tell you about […]

THAT Tab article, and the point of a year abroad

Posted on 25 October 2015 by Joe Healy

What is the point of a year abroad? Well, Durham’s editor of The Tab, despite presumably never having been on one himself, has his own ideas, as some of you […]

A few words on paperwork

Posted on 12 October 2015 by Joe Healy

Testing, testing... one, two... Actually, that quite accurately describes my first few weeks in Barcelona: testing. That said, I brought it on myself. I’m not gonna make excuses for not […]

Withdrawal Symptoms

Withdrawal Symptoms

Posted on 20 September 2015 by Naomi Machin

Two months home and these withdrawal symptoms have not faded... I need to go back. It seems like only yesterday I was typing away for my previous blogs on departing […]

We’re not in Kowloon anymore..

We’re not in Kowloon anymore..

Posted on 19 September 2015 by Sara Rahman

So it has been over 3 weeks since I landed in Hong Kong and I’m not even sure where I should begin? My arrival to Hong Kong was pretty surreal […]

The last chapter of Berlin

The last chapter of Berlin

Posted on 24 August 2015 by Alexia Cowley

It is unbelievable to think that my Year Abroad is over! The last eight weeks of my time in Berlin was just one big blur. Having had time to re-adjust […]

Paris before Hong Kong

Paris before Hong Kong

Posted on 18 August 2015 by Sara Rahman

My name is Sara Rahman and I am a student going into my third year of University. Within my third year of university I will be studying Philosophy at City […]

Solo flyer

Solo flyer

Posted on 11 August 2015 by Amber Luong

When I inform people that I am going to New Zealand for a semester, they're initial reaction is almost always, "that's so far!" It is far indeed, as if you […]

Hello from Regensburg

Hello from Regensburg

Posted on 3 August 2015 by Mark Sweeney

Hey! I’m Mark, a third year Pharmacy student here at Cardiff. My Erasmus adventure began one cold October morning, when Heledd, from the Global Opportunities Centre, came in to give […]

Travels around Europe

Travels around Europe

Posted on 17 May 2015 by Alexia Cowley

So here I am, sat on a very Anastacia-esque train carriage, travelling through Poland. A perfect opportunity to update my European gallivanting travels since March! March 20th, the day  I […]

Settling in!

Settling in!

Posted on 8 March 2015 by Naomi Machin

So, it has taken me a few weeks to post my second blog - the WiFi here isn't too great :-(!! However, I finally am able to record my experience at […]