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Running the Cardiff Half to help families like mine

19 September 2024

In October, alumna Isabel Irvine (BSc 2024) will take on the Cardiff Half Marathon in support of her mum, who was diagnosed with cancer last year. To date, she’s raised an incredible £1,100 for Cardiff University cancer research in the run-up to the race. Below, she shares her story as well as her plans for the weeks ahead.

Why did you decide to sign up for the Cardiff Half Marathon and fundraise for Cardiff University’s cancer research?

Last summer, my mum was diagnosed with blood cancer. It was a big shock, and the following months were filled with intensive chemotherapy sessions every two weeks – eight in total – as her cancer was very aggressive. It was really hard watching Mum go through treatment, seeing how exhausted and unwell it made her, along with side effects such as hair loss and numbness.

Thankfully, she received the ‘all clear’ a few weeks ago. I know not every family gets this happy ending, and I’m so grateful to the researchers and medics who made this possible for us. So, when I saw that Cardiff University was offering sponsored places in the Cardiff Half Marathon to raise funds for their cancer research department, signing up was a no-brainer.

When did you start running and why?

My dad, someone I never expected to take up running, started the ‘couch to 5k’ plan last summer and really enjoyed it. Inspired by him, and after watching my friend run the Cardiff Half last year, I started ‘couch to 5k’ in October last year. I realised I wasn’t getting much exercise and wasn’t very keen on the gym, so running seemed like the perfect fit – it’s accessible and gets you outdoors. I was surprised at how hard it was to run even five minutes at the beginning, so when I completed the plan and could run for half an hour straight, I felt a huge sense of accomplishment. Since then, I’ve tried to run at least twice a week, often including a ‘parkrun’.

What’s your training plan in the weeks leading up to the race?

I found out I had a place at the Cardiff Half about eight weeks before the event, as I was on the reserve list. Having only done one 10k before and usually sticking to 5ks each week, I was worried about being ready in time. However, I’ve developed a manageable routine of a 6.5k, 8k, and one long run each week. I started with 8k for my long run and have gradually increased this distance each week, reaching 10k, 13k, and hopefully, in the weeks to come, 16k, 18k, and finally 21k.

You’ve already smashed your fundraising target. Do you have any further fundraising plans for the coming weeks?

I created a JustGiving page and shared it with my family. After they donated, I felt both terrified – because I couldn’t back out now – and very grateful!

I then worked up the courage to post it on my Instagram story, which felt scary and awkward since most people there didn’t know about my mum’s cancer. The support I received was incredible; within 24 hours, I’d raised around £700 and received so many kind messages. All these early donations have definitely motivated me during my runs. Over the next few weeks, I plan to share the link on Instagram again and send it to a few other groups.

What are you looking forward to on race day?

I’m really looking forward to reuniting with all my uni friends. I graduated this year and moved away from Cardiff, but many of my friends are still there, either working or studying. Some of them are also running the Half Marathon, so I can’t wait to run alongside them again. But honestly, I’m mostly excited for a drink and a roast after the run!

How have your family and friends reacted to you taking on the Cardiff Half to raise money for your alma mater’s cancer research?

When I told my family, they were shocked (especially since I only had eight weeks to train), but they were also very impressed. My mum was incredibly proud. My dad, who will be in Edinburgh the night before the Half, booked a flight to Cardiff at 7am so he can come and watch! My friends have also been really supportive, promising to be there on the sidelines, cheering and holding up signs.

What would you say to someone else thinking of running to raise funds for Cardiff University research?

I’d say go for it! Even if you’ve never run before, it’s achievable with consistent runs and gradually increasing your distance. Plus, it’s an important cause to fundraise for.


Support Isabel

Show your support for Isabel on JustGiving and help her boost her fundraising total.

Run the Cardiff Half Marathon in October

Do you have your own Cardiff Half Marathon place? We’d love you to join #TeamCardiff and support Cardiff University’s cancer or neuroscience and mental health research. Find out more.

Take on a different active challenge

You don’t have to be a half marathon runner to get fundraising! Whatever your fitness or ability level, there are organised events you can join as part of #TeamCardiff. See the full range of challenges on offer.