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A return to running in support of vital research

12 September 2024

Alum Daniel Nicholas (MBA 2020) will be taking on this year’s Cardiff Half Marathon in support of Cardiff University’s neuroscience and mental health research. Here, he tells us his personal motivations for joining the Cardiff Half, his first race since the pandemic.

What inspired you to sign up to the Cardiff Half Marathon and fundraise for Cardiff University’s neuroscience and mental health research?

My Auntie was diagnosed with dementia in 2023, and I have seen firsthand the debilitating nature of this disease and its effects on the immediate family. I also have friends who have been diagnosed with ADHD, and in turn their children have been diagnosed too. It would be amazing to support research into the causes of mental health conditions, which has the potential to improve so many people’s quality of life.

In January 2024, I decided to use the Cardiff Half Marathon to reignite my passion for running while also fundraising for neuroscience and mental health research. Prior to the pandemic, I was running 100 miles a week. Then, during lockdown, I completely stopped running and never restarted. I have run the Cardiff Half five times (including the world championship), but this will be my first half marathon or any race in the last four years.

When did you start running and why?

I played sport at an international/semi-professional level when I was younger. Unfortunately, I had two serious injuries – one to my ankle and one to my wrist, which required reconstructive surgeries. As a result, I stopped playing competitive sport at the age of 20.

I spent the next 10 years keeping myself fit by going to the gym and, in 2011, I decided to complete the Parkrun in Porthcawl. This started my running journey – I quickly joined a local running club, and over the years progressed from a 5K to a 10K, then a half marathon (Cardiff Half was my first). I then progressed to the Marathon Eryri (Snowdonia Marathon) and finally ultra marathons. The furthest I have run is 53 miles at the Race to the King.

What’s your training plan in the weeks leading up to the race? 

As it’s been a while since I stopped running, I have taken the time to build a solid aerobic base on which to progress. Also, I have been working on my strength and conditioning to ensure I don’t pick up any injuries along the way. I am currently completing three training sessions a week, comprising of an interval session, a tempo run, and finally a long slow run. Training has been progressing well and I am looking forward to the Half.

You’ve already smashed your £250 fundraising target. Since signing up for the race, how have you fundraised?

I have been incredibly lucky with the generosity from my friends, family, and colleagues in the lead up to the race. My family and friends are always supportive, whether through donating to my JustGiving page or joining me on training runs.

There’s still more time to raise additional funds – hopefully I can get to the £500 mark.

What are you looking forward to on race day?

I am really looking forward to the incredible atmosphere. Also, my family and friends will be there to support me on the day, which will make the run even more special. And of course, like most runners I look forward to adding a nice medal to my collection. It’s been a while!

What would you say to someone else thinking of running to raise funds for Cardiff University research?

Go for it! Not only do you get the physical and wellbeing benefits from running and training for the event, but you also get to fundraise for a fantastic cause. Plus, the support and communication from the Cardiff University team has been exceptional.


Support Daniel

Show your support for Daniel on JustGiving and help him boost his fundraising total.

Run the Cardiff Half Marathon in October

Do you have your own Cardiff Half Marathon place? We’d love you to join #TeamCardiff and support Cardiff University’s cancer or neuroscience and mental health research. Find out more.

Take on a different active challenge

You don’t have to be a half marathon runner to get fundraising! Whatever your fitness or ability level, there are organised events you can join as part of #TeamCardiff. See the full range of challenges on offer.

To find out more about fundraising at Cardiff University, contact