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Hiking Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon) at night for life-changing research

5 June 2024

In July, Isabelle (English Literature and Creative Writing 2021-) will take a night-time trek up Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon) alongside fellow #TeamCardiff fundraisers. Together, the team’s efforts will support vital cancer and neuroscience and mental health research at Cardiff University. Here, Isabelle tells us why she decided to join the climb to Wales’ highest peak. 

What inspired you to sign up for the trek and fundraise for Cardiff University research?

I saw an article on the trek and thought it looked like an amazing challenge (especially with the added aspect of it taking place at night). I’d been wanting to have a specific reason in mind for getting fitter and healthier, so this looked like a great opportunity. Plus, when I saw the causes that the money raised would be going towards, it felt like the perfect fit.  

In recent years I have lost both of my grandparents to cancer. But my nan living to the age she did was all down to the treatments she received – and that came from years of work by very clever researchers. I also have a family history with mental health and first-hand experience, so I know research in this area is also vital for providing compassionate and effective care.  

How are you planning to train and fundraise over the next few months?

So far, I have been fundraising over social media by sharing information about the climb and the causes it supports. As we get closer to the date of the climb, I’m planning to share updates about how my fundraising and training are going. I also enjoy making art, so I had the idea of offering little portraits of people, pets, characters, etc. in return for a donation to the cause!    

What are you most looking forward to about the trek?

My main aim is to be healthier (like many others, lockdown really lowered my fitness motivation)! Aside from this, what I’m most looking forward to is the views. I love being outside in nature, and climbing Yr Wyddfa at night with all the stars sounds breath-taking. I imagine the sunrise will also be incredible (even if we cannot guarantee clear skies). The climb will obviously take a lot of determination and I’m both excited and apprehensive to test myself and my limits! 

How have your family and friends reacted to you joining the trek?

To be honest, most of the people I’ve told have reacted with the same shocked expression (and I can understand why as it’s a daunting challenge)! However, once they’ve gotten over their surprise everyone has been so proud and supportive, whether by sharing their kind words or donating to the cause. I’m staggered by the support the cause has received and I couldn’t be more grateful.   

What advice would you give to others who are passionate about cancer research but unsure how to start fundraising?

I would say really just go for it. You’ll be surprised by how quickly people will start supporting you. If you’ve got a hobby or activity that you enjoy, try and find a way that you can use that to fundraise! Also, embrace the social side to fundraising—talking about the climb has opened up conversations with people I haven’t chatted to in a while, and they’ve helped to spread the word even further. 

What would you say to other Cardiff students thinking of signing up to the Snowdon challenge?

I know it can seem like a very scary challenge, especially if, like me, you’ve not had much motivation to be healthier. However, this is an opportunity to do something amazing for yourself whilst simultaneously doing something amazing for others! Don’t forget that challenging yourself can also be fun, and you can find motivation from the knowledge that you’ll be helping amazing causes.  

Support Isabelle 

Show your support for Isabelle and help her hit her fundraising target. Sponsor Isabelle on JustGiving. 

Trek Yr Wyddfa under starry skies and raise money for either cancer or neuroscience and mental health research at Cardiff University. Register to trek with #TeamCardiff on either 20 to 21 July 2024 or 19 to 20 October. If you have any questions about the challenge, contact