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Extreme belief systems

Extreme belief systems

Posted on 22 July 2024 by

In Kirill Srebrennikov’s 2016 film, The Student, Venia, a lonely high school student begins to intensely read the bible and appeal to it for everything he says and does. Through […]

How to take an extremist seriously

How to take an extremist seriously

Posted on 25 December 2023 by

With the rise of polarization and support for right-wing populism, there is a call to take seriously the perspectives of those who seemingly turn away from liberal democratic ideals. But […]

Extremism and the Good Life – Part 2

Extremism and the Good Life – Part 2

Posted on 13 November 2023 by

In the previous post I have argued that we need to adopt  a more complex picture of extremists. They are intellectual and practical agents responsive to both intellectual and practical […]

Extremism and the Good Life – Part 1

Extremism and the Good Life – Part 1

Posted on 30 October 2023 by

“Want to live the good life? Join an extremist group!” This odd piece of advice flies in the face of thousands of years of ethical theorizing, not to mention common […]