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work experience

Flexible jobs for students in Cardiff

Flexible jobs for students in Cardiff

Posted on 25 June 2024 by Jasmine

Making ends meet as a student can be challenging. Therefore, especially in the wake of the cost of living crisis, it is ever more valuable for students to have a […]

Fashion Faux Pas: Dressing for Cardiff Weather

Posted on 20 June 2024 by Supraja

Ah, Cardiff weather – a capricious blend of sun, rain, and wind that often leaves even the most seasoned locals scratching their heads. As an Indian student trying to navigate […]

Resources to start building a career at University

Resources to start building a career at University

Posted on 23 April 2024 by Jasmine

Most of us initially come to university looking to improve our employability, which can often seem far off during the chaos of our first year or two. It is often […]

What you should know about Global Citizenship opportunities when coming to University

What you should know about Global Citizenship opportunities when coming to University

Posted on 22 March 2024 by Jasmine

At its heart, global citizenship is tightly rooted in adopting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1945, and the 2015 adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals. The United Nations […]

Four Reasons Why You Should Be a Student Mentor.

Four Reasons Why You Should Be a Student Mentor.

Posted on 23 February 2024 by Katie

When I first started university, I was incredibly apprehensive. However, upon discovering the student mentor program in my first year I soon felt at ease and my anxiety lessened.   I […]

A guide to funding for summer programs

A guide to funding for summer programs

Posted on 29 June 2023 by Jasmine

Did you know that every Cardiff University student is eligible for funding to spend time abroad on a global opportunities-approved programme throughout their degree? You can only receive this funding […]

Making use of the summer break if you have not managed to get work experience

Making use of the summer break if you have not managed to get work experience

Posted on 8 June 2023 by Jasmine

As students, we are fortunate to have a sprawling summer break to enjoy which can come with a level of stress for those wanting to make the most of their […]

Reasons to take part in a summer programme abroad

Reasons to take part in a summer programme abroad

Posted on 8 June 2023 by Jasmine

Taking part in a summer programme can be a life-changing experience. Opening your mind to the world and making new friends while gaining valuable experience for your CV. From studying […]

Tips for working or volunteering during your studies

Tips for working or volunteering during your studies

Posted on 3 April 2023 by Catalina

Balancing university with student life and work is not always easy. At first, it can be scary to volunteer or work for the first time, especially in a new environment. […]

Life skills to develop while at university

Life skills to develop while at university

Posted on 1 March 2023 by Jasmine

With stories about the value of undergraduate degrees falling and competition from other qualifications, such as those achieved from apprenticeships, it is especially important for those who opt to go […]