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English Literature Crash Course

English Literature Crash Course

Posted on 17 March 2020 by Rowenna

Often English Literature is perceived as a course where you simply read, consider the way that the colour of curtains reflects the mood of the author and essentially pull out […]

Making the Most of Reading Week

Making the Most of Reading Week

Posted on 2 March 2020 by Ellie

Although not getting the same half terms as schools and colleges, some university students are blessed with having something called a reading week. This is essentially a period in the […]

10 Things I Wish I Could Tell My Fresher Self

10 Things I Wish I Could Tell My Fresher Self

Posted on 28 January 2020 by Rowenna

First year can seem so daunting, moving away from home and your parents. Having to look after yourself and be an adult all while juggling a degree – A-levels were […]

What is Fresher’s Week?

What is Fresher’s Week?

Posted on 31 July 2019 by Ellie

It’s a question on every person going into first year’s mind. You hear a variety of different things floating around about what exactly that first week of uni is about. […]

Why Cardiff?

Why Cardiff?

Posted on 11 March 2019 by Phoebe

When in my first year of sixth form, we had lots of talks about what to do next, how to find your perfect university and were encouraged to look round […]

Top Tips for Writing Your UCAS Personal Statement

Top Tips for Writing Your UCAS Personal Statement

Posted on 20 November 2018 by Ellie

It is that time of year when the stress of applying to university and thinking of your future plans seems to hit you out of nowhere. Don’t worry. Every uni […]

Top 15 First Year Advice

Top 15 First Year Advice

Posted on 17 May 2018 by Ellie

As my first year at Cardiff University draws to a close, I am left pondering what I have learnt and what I would change. However, what I can say is […]