Christmas is well and truly on its way which means it’s time to start thinking about what fun festive activities you will get up to in the Welsh capital. So […]
Many uni courses offer a year abroad, whether it be obligatory or optional, but if you’re studying a language like me, the likelihood is that a year abroad is a […]
Yng Nghaerdydd, ceir yna gyfoeth o brofiadau allgyrsiol Cymreig. Gall y rhain amrywio o brofiadau chwaraeon i brofiadau cerddorol. Rwyf am grybwyll ychydig o’r rhai yr wyf wedi manteisio arnynt, […]
Ask any language graduate about the pinnacle of their degree, and the answer will undoubtedly be the infamous Year Abroad. I still pinch myself every day over the fact that […]
Lectures The cornerstone of student life has to be lectures. The amount of these that you have is very much dependent on your course. Mine for instance, Journalism and Communications, […]
When you first start university, it can be tough getting used to an entirely new environment, independent living and co-habiting with often, complete strangers. It is not uncommon that tensions […]
Cardiff is home to a number of fantastic music venues that cater to an array of tastes and genres. For those looking for a change to the standard night out, […]
Croeso enfawr ichi i Gaerdydd! Dyma ddinas fywiog sy’n llawn pethau i’w gwneud. Ond mae ganddi hefyd elfennau cyfeillgar sydd yn addas i bawb! Dyma restr amrywiol o bethau i’w […]