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Cardiff’s Best Spots to Unwind

Cardiff’s Best Spots to Unwind

Posted on 7 September 2019 by Ellie

Sometimes, when uni work stress gets too much, we all want a place where we can escape the madness and impending deadlines, and just take a breather. Cardiff has a […]

How my Global Opportunities Experience in Italy Changed My Life

How my Global Opportunities Experience in Italy Changed My Life

Posted on 29 August 2019 by Piotr

Piotr is a fourth year student at Cardiff University, studying a BA in Ancient History and Italian. Originally from Poland, Piotr decided to come and live and study in Wales’ […]

How to save for an experience abroad

How to save for an experience abroad

Posted on 7 August 2019 by Ellie

Whether you are going on a study abroad placement or a summer volunteering programme, it is always difficult to save up for them. All world-wide adventures, no matter where you […]

7 Tips for Clearing

7 Tips for Clearing

Posted on 1 August 2019 by Ayten

It has been about a year now since I went through the most stressful day of my life, results day. I remember waking up at 8am and seeing the email […]

Cardiff’s Best Brunches

Cardiff’s Best Brunches

Posted on 1 August 2019 by Ellie

Who doesn’t love a late Sunday morning brunch? Luckily, Cardiff is home to a plethora of cafés serving food that is not only worthy of the insta but divinely delicious. […]

What is Fresher’s Week?

What is Fresher’s Week?

Posted on 31 July 2019 by Ellie

It’s a question on every person going into first year’s mind. You hear a variety of different things floating around about what exactly that first week of uni is about. […]

Student Media

Student Media

Posted on 30 July 2019 by Ellie

Following my blog post all about Cardiff University’s ‘Cardiff Award’. I thought this would be a good opportunity to mention another fantastic aspect of uni life here in Cardiff. Student […]

My Study Abroad Experience

My Study Abroad Experience

Posted on 24 July 2019 by Ellie

I genuinely can’t believe I’m writing this because it means that my semester abroad in Adelaide, Australia is coming to an end. In just 2 days’ time I will be […]

Cardiff Award

Cardiff Award

Posted on 24 July 2019 by Ellie

Cardiff has a whole host of departments that offer fantastic opportunities for its students. The Cardiff Award is just one of these and is something that I only just signed […]

Moving out of my student accommodation!

Moving out of my student accommodation!

Posted on 30 June 2019 by Gee

Between May and June is when University students start to finish their exams and start to think about moving out! Some students tend to stay in the same accommodation from […]