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Things to do in your free time at home at university

Things to do in your free time at home at university

Posted on 24 October 2020 by Jess

With COVID restrictions, there is a lot of time spent at home or in your term time accommodation. Here are some ideas of things you could get up to in […]

Study space ideas

Study space ideas

Posted on 24 October 2020 by Jess

I thought I would write about study space ideas, because especially during this time when most lectures are virtual, I find it important to have a study space I feel […]

Tips on how to be prepared when moving into university

Tips on how to be prepared when moving into university

Posted on 24 October 2020 by Jess

When moving to university, there are lots of things to remember and the last thing you want is to leave everything to the last minute and forget something. This blog […]

How to Catch Up On School Work When You Fall Unexpectedly Behind

How to Catch Up On School Work When You Fall Unexpectedly Behind

Posted on 19 October 2020 by Monique

The day before the first week of university began, disaster struck. I got a concussion and had to miss almost to two weeks of classes. While I had told myself […]

Astudio Meddygaeth; Wythnos y Gymraeg

Astudio Meddygaeth; Wythnos y Gymraeg

Posted on 16 October 2020 by Megan Prys

Helo! Megan Prys Evans ydw i, myfyrwraig feddygol yng Nghaerdydd. Dwi newydd ddechrau ar fy nhrydedd flwyddyn ac yn mwynhau bob eiliad ar hyn o bryd. Yn y flwyddyn gyntaf […]

Dealing with Homesickness in a Locked-Down World

Dealing with Homesickness in a Locked-Down World

Posted on 12 October 2020 by Henry

The world is a pretty weird place right now. With concepts such as 'test, track and trace'; 'self-isolation' and 'lockdown' all being thrust upon us over the past few months, […]

Getting Involved at University whilst Remote Studying

Getting Involved at University whilst Remote Studying

Posted on 9 October 2020 by Zoe

The social aspect is one of the best things about going to university, but with a pandemic still amongst us, this academic year is going to look very different. Lectures […]

Making the Jump from First Year to Second Year

Making the Jump from First Year to Second Year

Posted on 1 October 2020 by Ellie

Making that often anxiously anticipated jump from a fresher to a second year is a fairly big moment in any student’s life. However, despite it being the first time that […]

How to Make Friends During Freshers: Lockdown Edition

How to Make Friends During Freshers: Lockdown Edition

Posted on 29 September 2020 by Monique

Starting university and making new friends is stressful at the best of times: so it is no wonder why so many students are feeling stress and anxiety about freshers week. […]

Making Your Uni Room a Peaceful Place to Work

Making Your Uni Room a Peaceful Place to Work

Posted on 28 September 2020 by Ellie

As we are now finding ourselves typically confined to the work environment of our bedrooms, it is more important than ever to create a peaceful and personal space to optimise […]