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Posted on 22 April 2020 by Jess

Why go to a society?  Societies are a great way to meet new people of all ages, from a range of different courses, and accommodation options. Societies give you a […]

Staying Fit at University

Staying Fit at University

Posted on 16 April 2020 by Ellie

As the saying goes - a healthy mind is a healthy body. Whilst it’s easy to get sucked in to the cyclical student lifestyle of pizza binging and snack indulging, […]

PART 3: What’s it like on placement?

PART 3: What’s it like on placement?

Posted on 21 March 2020 by Ellen

I'd thought it'd be interesting if I shared a bit more on what you get to do on placement, which you do once a week when CBL teaching starts. It's […]

1st Year Medicine: What’s it like? – Intro to Bonus subseries!

1st Year Medicine: What’s it like? – Intro to Bonus subseries!

Posted on 18 March 2020 by Ellen

Hi everyone! Just wanted to give a short intro into my next 4 PART subseries, aiming to give you a greater insight into how I found my first year of […]

My Experience as a Student Mentor

My Experience as a Student Mentor

Posted on 26 February 2020 by Zoe

Starting university can be daunting for many reasons, but the Student Mentor scheme aims to ease this transition by assigning students with a student mentor. A student mentor is there to offer their […]

The Big Cardiff Bucket List

The Big Cardiff Bucket List

Posted on 29 January 2020 by Ellie

The end of my three years studying at Cardiff University is in sight, and no I am not happy about it. In July of this year I will be graduating […]

How does Cardiff University celebrate Christmas?

How does Cardiff University celebrate Christmas?

Posted on 26 November 2019 by Ellie

Christmas time at Cardiff uni is always a fun time of year. Plenty of events are put on in the last few weeks of the semester and here is just […]

Cardiff’s Top Christmas Activities to Get You in the Festive Spirit

Cardiff’s Top Christmas Activities to Get You in the Festive Spirit

Posted on 24 November 2019 by Ellie

Christmas is well and truly on its way which means it’s time to start thinking about what fun festive activities you will get up to in the Welsh capital. So […]

The Student Mentor Scheme

The Student Mentor Scheme

Posted on 10 September 2019 by Ellie

What is it? The student mentor scheme is an initiative run by the university to help first year students settle in to university life. Each fresher will be assigned a […]

What is Fresher’s Week?

What is Fresher’s Week?

Posted on 31 July 2019 by Ellie

It’s a question on every person going into first year’s mind. You hear a variety of different things floating around about what exactly that first week of uni is about. […]