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Halls of residence

Roy Jenkins Halls Interview

Roy Jenkins Halls Interview

Posted on 20 September 2020 by Rowenna

Roy Jenkins halls are located in Cathays, meaning that it is super close to all of the independent shops on Albany road and is close to two supermarkets; it is also less than a mile away from cathays campus. To learn more about […]

The Importance of Taking ‘Me’ Moments at University

The Importance of Taking ‘Me’ Moments at University

Posted on 18 April 2020 by Rowenna

University is intense, there’s no denying that. It is full of socialising, events and studying. Sometimes it can get a bit overwhelming and that is perfectly normal. Living in a […]

How to be the perfect housemate

How to be the perfect housemate

Posted on 8 October 2019 by Ellie

When you first start university, it can be tough getting used to an entirely new environment, independent living and co-habiting with often, complete strangers. It is not uncommon that tensions […]

What you might not think about taking to uni…

What you might not think about taking to uni…

Posted on 21 March 2019 by Hannah

There are countless - and endless - lists online advising you on what is best to take to university when you're leaving home for the first time. I don't want […]

What to Take to Uni: The Essential Checklist

What to Take to Uni: The Essential Checklist

Posted on 8 March 2019 by Ellie

I remember that feeling very well. The feeling of complete pre-uni panic surrounding what I will bring with me to my room in my halls of residence. Needless to say […]

Student Life Vlogs – Making Friends

Student Life Vlogs – Making Friends

Posted on 15 January 2019 by Dan

I'm back from the USA! Hello again! I'm back from Arizona with a new Vlog. Unfortunately I wasn't able to make any more videos during my time at Northern Arizona […]

Cooking in uni

Cooking in uni

Posted on 23 August 2018 by Tamzin

When I started in first year I was a pretty inexperienced cook, there was lots of boiling potatoes and eating junk. Freshers was an exciting time of newfound independence and […]

How To Decorate Your University Room!

How To Decorate Your University Room!

Posted on 11 July 2018 by Gee

Though it is probably the last thing on your mind when moving back to University or moving there for the first time, it is something you will have to tackle […]

Moving Out Day

Moving Out Day

Posted on 31 May 2018 by Ellie

So the time has come. After a memorable and brilliant first year at Cardiff University it is time to begin the mammoth task of packing up my hordes of possessions […]

Hall Life

Hall Life

Posted on 15 April 2018 by Ellie

Moving away from home for the first time is not easy in itself let alone being chucked in a flat with potentially 7 other random people (or more). It certainly […]