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European Placements

Applying for Norwegian accommodation

Applying for Norwegian accommodation

Posted on 5 August 2019 by Tammy-Louise Wilkins

After getting accepted to study abroad by both my home and host university, it was time to begin thinking about my living situation. At Cardiff University, students travelling for a […]

The process of applying for Erasmus+ with ENCAP

The process of applying for Erasmus+ with ENCAP

Posted on 5 August 2019 by Tammy-Louise Wilkins

The Erasmus+ Application is a lengthy process. First, you will initially apply to your university; upon getting a nomination, you will need to apply to the host university, and then […]

Things to consider before applying to study abroad

Things to consider before applying to study abroad

Posted on 5 August 2019 by Tammy-Louise Wilkins

Travelling is to live, or so they say, and thanks to international and European schemes, university students across the world are fortunate enough to have the opportunity to travel to […]

Cultural Immersion: Do’s and Don’ts

Cultural Immersion: Do’s and Don’ts

Posted on 12 July 2019 by Kimberly Field

Being in a different country does not mean you are suddenly immersed in the culture. To really absorb a new culture, you have to make the effort! If your goal […]

In fair Verona…

Posted on 17 February 2019 by Phoebe Grinter

As I prepare for the start of my second semester at the Università di Verona, I thought I'd talk a bit more about the city itself. It is best known […]

Settling (back) in

Posted on 29 January 2019 by Phoebe Grinter

Coming back to Verona after four weeks at home for Christmas to be greeted by exams is not fun. After all the comforts of home, the excitement of Christmas and […]

The hostess with the mostess

Posted on 13 January 2019 by Phoebe Grinter

I love being hostess. Having people come and visit me here in Verona has excited me since before I came out! The first visitors I hosted were my mum and […]

It’s all fun and games

Posted on 19 December 2018 by Phoebe Grinter

At Verona university the Erasmus society is highly regarded, and rightly so. They organised a freshers’ fortnight specifically for Erasmus students which included meals, nights out and aperitivo evenings where […]

What exams?

Posted on 9 December 2018 by Phoebe Grinter

As I sit in the library attempting to write the longest essay I’ve ever written – 5000 words, pray for me – I decide I need a *debatably* well-earned break! […]


Posted on 6 December 2018 by Phoebe Grinter

Before I start this post I just want to make it clear that my aim is not to put you off doing a year abroad at all, but I feel […]

A helping hand…

Posted on 5 December 2018 by Phoebe Grinter

Before I chose to study at the wonderful Università degli studi di Verona in Italy, I went through the arduous process of the deciding what to do for my year […]

El Legado de Franco

Posted on 5 August 2018 by Katie Elgie

One period of Spain’s history which has always fascinated me is the Franco and post-Franco era. I’ve always been intrigued by the way that Spain transitioned from a false democracy, […]

LingoMap: France 1940-1950

Posted on 26 July 2018 by Osian McGuinness

Salut et bienvenue à mon dernier blog pour LingoMap ! J’espère que vous avez bien-aimé mes blogs et que vous avez (peut-être) appris quelques choses. Mon année à l’étranger a fini, et […]

LingoMap: Diversity and Difference

Posted on 26 July 2018 by Osian McGuinness

Salut ! Bienvenue à mon quatrième blog pour Routes into Languages. Je m’excuse pour le retard en publiant ce blog, mais j’étais débordé pendant le mois de mai avec mes […]

Lingomap: Social Issues

Posted on 14 July 2018 by Katy Stone

Coucou tout le monde ! (Hello everyone!) My final blog is based on social issues in France. As this topic is quite broad, I have tried to narrow down a […]

Spain and the Environment

Posted on 13 July 2018 by Hannah Qunibi

¡Bienvenidos todos! Ya estoy en el Reino Unido y desafortunadamente el año al extranjero se acabó. Mi experiencia fue extraordinaria y voy a reflexionar sobre mi tiempo en el extranjero […]

LingoMaps: Las ferias nacionales españolas y las zonas locales de interés

Posted on 8 July 2018 by Lewis Hacker

¡Hola a todos! Espero que estéis disfrutando del buen tiempo. Esta entrada es mi última de mi año Erasmus y se trata de las ferias nacionales españolas y las zonas […]

Identidad Cultural

Posted on 12 June 2018 by Katie Elgie

One of the things which has been apparent to me here throughout my time in Andalucía is the strong cultural identity which Andalucians possess. They are proud to be Spanish, […]

Spain’s festivals and celebrations.

Posted on 11 June 2018 by Hannah Qunibi

¡Bienvenidos todos! I’m now coming to the end of my incredible year abroad experience here in Spain and I’m really going to miss it. It’s just such a different lifestyle […]

LingoMap: Social Issues

Posted on 11 June 2018 by Bayan Ali

Ciao e benvenuto nel mio post finale! Per il mio blog finale mi concentrerò sui temi sociali che ho notato a Firenze. Le principali questioni sociali di cui parlerò sono: […]