MAGMA Virtual Launch Event 7th July 2021
15 June 2021
It is only three weeks now until we host our virtual launch event, so I thought it would be a good time to show what we are planning to do. If you haven’t signed up yet, tickets can be found on the UK MAGSOC portal who are hosting the event for us. The event is completely free.
Before introducing the event, I am also happy to say that one of our academic directors Dr Phil Anderson has recently recently recorded a podcast as part of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining ‘IOM3 investigates’ series. Phil and Katherine Williams discuss soft magnetic materials in the podcast which should be available from your usual podcast provider. It’s a really interesting thirty minute talk.
So, time to introduce our launch event. It is due to last for about ninety minutes. It is going to begin with an introduction to the MAGMA operation discussing the applications of our research and why it matters. We will also discuss what the aims of the project and what we hope to achieve.
This will be followed by a virtual laboratory tour. In normal circumstances we would have liked to host this event in person and allow attendees to visit our labs. However, the virtual tour will be the next best thing. It will be hosted by lab manager Phil Lugg-Widger. A significant amount of work has gone into refurbishing the labs in the past twelve months so we are really proud to share the results.


As you can see, massive improvements have been made. Phil will show attendees through the labs and discuss what equipment we have available and what it can do. Unfortunately, refurbishment work in one of the labs has commenced this week so we will not be able to fully showcase the new furnace that is situated there.
The next section of the event will be showcasing our research. Phil Anderson will offer a short introduction on soft magnetic materials research which will be followed by short presentations from across our team. These will cover the breadth of our research expertise.
The presentation topic are due to be as below (these are subject to change):
- Ferrofluid applications by Dr Dan Zabek
- Magnetostriction and transformer noise by Dr Phil Anderson
- Measurement and characterisation of hysteresis losses Dr Christopher Harrison
- Fault Current Limiter surge protection concept based on a permanent magnet biased core by Dr Jeremy Hall
- Fe-Co matrix nanocomposites for high performance soft magnetic applications by Prof Sam Evans
- Microstructural magnetic modelling by Dr Jun Liu
- 1D & 2D magnetic properties measurement by Mr Shuaichao Yue
- Magnetic property degradation in electrical steel by Mr Paul Mallett
There will be time following the lab tour and research presentations for audience questions. The event will end with an informal networking session. We would love to chat to anyone attending the event and discuss how we can work together in the future.
Hopefully this has been a good introduction to the event, I really hope you can join on 7th July. We are really looking forward to it and I hope to see you then.