Preparing for university can be daunting. For most, this is your first time living away from home and being responsible for yourself. This blog aims to help you with tips […]
As a student, I strongly believe that travelling to familiar and new places forms a significant portion of my lifetime. After all, when we aren't running to our lectures, we […]
As the capital city of the country with more castles per square mile than any other county in Europe, there are unparalleled adventures for history lovers and adventurers alike. Perfect […]
Applying to university was one of the biggest stresses I had as a teenager. It sounded so unrealistic, abstract and difficult. Who would accept me? Would I get the right […]
Writing your first few university essays can be a challenge as this is your first attempt at bridging the gap between your college/school work and university-level assignments. From helping you […]
I moved to university with a single suitcase and a backpack. Having just spent the summer working away from home, I had very little time to prep for university and […]
Not being known for its café scene perhaps as well as nearby cities such as Bristol, Cardiff is actually host to many great café spots, offering delicious breakfast options. Perfect […]
Moving into university brings with it a lot of new responsibilities and jobs. Handling your finances and making the best of them is just one of them, although, it is […]
With stories about the value of undergraduate degrees falling and competition from other qualifications, such as those achieved from apprenticeships, it is especially important for those who opt to go […]
Making the most when you can’t attend face-to-face learning In the face of strikes and lecturers being away or sick, there can be occasions when we can’t attend face-to-face […]