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My Mamma Mia summer and the existential dread of growing up

My Mamma Mia summer and the existential dread of growing up

Posted on 27 September 2023 by Jasmine

The time of our lives while at university involves many changes - our first taste of independence, looking after ourselves, new relationships, managing our finances and considering what careers we […]

Things that I am excited about for the next academic year – and you should be too!

Things that I am excited about for the next academic year – and you should be too!

Posted on 11 September 2023 by Jasmine

Beginning a new academic year can be a nerve-racking time. You may be moving to new accommodation, nervous to learn challenging content, be missing some of your friends who have […]

Travelling around the UK- things to know!

Travelling around the UK- things to know!

Posted on 30 August 2023 by Muskaan

Coming to the UK, for the first time, as an international student resulted in me taking quite a lot of time to figure out how to navigate not just around […]

Finding a New Home in Cardiff Beyond Student Accommodation

Finding a New Home in Cardiff Beyond Student Accommodation

Posted on 23 August 2023 by Anshuta

It's like starting a new part of your life when you finish your studies or leave your student housing. This usually comes with looking for a good place to live […]

Tips on how to make a good student budget from an International student!

Tips on how to make a good student budget from an International student!

Posted on 21 August 2023 by Muskaan

Living as a student at University can be overwhelming and expensive. Not only do we have to juggle the tasks that come with living alone but also deal with the […]

A guide to cooking at uni

A guide to cooking at uni

Posted on 8 August 2023 by Jasmine

Cooking at uni can be time-consuming, costly and inefficient. Especially for students who may be their first time living alone and consistently cooking for themselves on a budget, it can […]

Places that I would take you for a day in Cardiff 

Places that I would take you for a day in Cardiff 

Posted on 8 August 2023 by Jasmine

Inspired by a recent family visit to Cardiff, I had a goal of showing them the best sights so let me walk you through where I took my family for […]

What do we want to get out of travel as students?

What do we want to get out of travel as students?

Posted on 26 July 2023 by Jasmine

For many young people, university is the first taste of adulthood. To move out of home for the first time and spread your wings, this can involve travel. Especially for […]

Top tips to settle into university life

Top tips to settle into university life

Posted on 24 July 2023 by Jasmine

As Cardiff focuses on the success of many final-year students during their graduation, there are many future students awaiting their results to confirm their place at the university. In their […]

Best places for a walk while on a study break

Best places for a walk while on a study break

Posted on 29 June 2023 by Jasmine

In the wake of the recent high temperatures and 21st June 2023 being the first day of summer, this blog aims to give you a guide on where to enjoy […]