22 April 2020
Why go to a society?
Societies are a great way to meet new people of all ages, from a range of different courses, and accommodation options. Societies give you a chance to meet people with similar interests to you, whether that’s baking, dancing, singing – and so much more. In addition to this, there is The Athletics Union, which includes American football, badminton, hiking and more. There are so many different societies, there is something for everyone – with over 200 to choose from.
Furthermore, there are so many perks from joining a society, some of these include: going to a society ball this is a great time to let your hair down, dress up and dance and chat with your society friends, as well as going on weekly socials and meeting new people.
Several societies are free to join and for some of the societies there is a joining fee.
Cardiff University Students’ Union Societies page and the Athletics Union page
The Cardiff University Students’ Union Societies page and the Athletics Union page, allows you to look at all the different societies available. It also enables you to search for different societies if you want to look for a specific one. You can click on each society individually which then gives you a short description of the society, shows you the committee members, the memberships available to purchase and there are also links to the society on different social media pages and groups.
Freshers Fair
Freshers fair runs every year at the beginning of the first term. The Freshers Fair includes stalls where societies get a chance to promote what they do. It aims to give freshers and other students a chance to see which societies are available to join with Cardiff University and to also gain information about the next ‘Give it a go’ sessions and how to join the society.
Give it a go
If you start university and you are unsure about what society to join, ‘Give it a go’ is a great opportunity to give a society session a go for free. This allows you to try out several societies before picking which one/ones you would like to participate in.
Broadway Dance Society
I am a part of the Broadway Dance Society. The Broadway Dance Society is a great society to be a part of. This society includes dance lessons like: ballet, tap, street, jazz, pointe and hard and soft shoe Irish dancing. In my second year at university I found out about the society at the freshers fair. I used to really enjoy tap dancing as a child and teenager, so I joined the Beginners Tap Dancing lessons. The lessons cost money but this is at a very reasonable price, blocks of lessons are released on the student union website every term which enables me to pay for my tap lessons in blocks. I really enjoy attending tap lessons once a week, it gives me the chance to participate in an activity I really enjoy, make new friends and it gives me a chance to have a break from university work. The society does a show every year. Unfortunately this year’s show had to be cancelled because of the coronavirus but we were still able to have the dress rehearsal, this was a great chance to dress up and have fun. Below is a photo of me in my finale t-shirt at the Broadway Dance Show Dress Rehearsal 2020.
Broadway Dance Show Dress Rehearsal 2020 – finale t-shirt
I hope this blog has been useful! If you have any further questions about Cardiff University or student life in Cardiff, please feel free to message me using the UniBuddy service.