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Video Blog – Toby talks University Support

Video Blog – Toby talks University Support

Posted on 13 October 2014 by Toby

In my lifetime, mental health has always been a stigmatised topic of discussion and I've never been entirely sure why. I completely understand that it's a subject that is often […]

Top Tips for Freshers Week

Top Tips for Freshers Week

Posted on 1 October 2014 by Iain

I'm sure a lot of first years who may be reading this are feeling a little bit confused about what they have gotten themselves into, I know I was 2 […]

Y Daith o Ogledd Cymru i Caerdydd

Y Daith o Ogledd Cymru i Caerdydd

Posted on 30 September 2014 by Steffan

Teg Edrych Tuag Adref? Wel helo ‘na! Steffan ydw’ i ac rwy’n astudio’r Gymraeg a Gwleidyddiaeth yma ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd. Alla’i ddim meddwl am well amser ichi ymuno â mi- […]

Video Blog – Toby talks Studying Journalism

Video Blog – Toby talks Studying Journalism

Posted on 22 September 2014 by Toby

How’s Freshers treating you, then? The hardcore will have you believe that if it’s yet to gobble you up and spit you back out again then you’ve probably been doing […]

How to Survive Your First Year of Medical School- Part 2

How to Survive Your First Year of Medical School- Part 2

Posted on 19 September 2014 by Lucy

Be friends with medics and non-medics It often comes as no surprise when you chat to people studying medicine and discover that all their closest friends are also medics. It’s […]

10 things I learnt in my Freshers Year

10 things I learnt in my Freshers Year

Posted on 14 September 2014 by Rhian

1)Congrats! You've chose to study at Cardiff University.. the best city to live in the UK! And no, i'm not a biased Cardiff University student, its actually proven- Cardiff came […]

Studying Maths at Cardiff

Studying Maths at Cardiff

Posted on 11 September 2014 by Nina

Hi everyone, Long time no post – and so much has happened since the last one! A Level and GCSE results days have now passed and I’ve heard Maths clearing […]

Video Blog – Toby talks What to take to Uni

Video Blog – Toby talks What to take to Uni

Posted on 11 September 2014 by Toby

I can’t believe summer is almost over. I mean, where’s it gone? It only feels like yesterday I was walking home from the last night out of the year and […]

Video Blog – Toby talks Work Experience

Video Blog – Toby talks Work Experience

Posted on 30 July 2014 by Toby

You could be forgiven for thinking that a spot at University (and the degree that comes attached should you put the hours in) guarantees you subsequent employment in your selected […]

4 Key Extra-Curricular areas to help build your CV

4 Key Extra-Curricular areas to help build your CV

Posted on 16 July 2014 by Hannah

I got a really good question on Twitter this week asking: what are the kinds of extracurricular activities that you can do to help you get into psychology? The short […]