So it's come to that time of the year where the Easter holidays are nearly here and you're excited to be finally having a break! However there is also the […]
I'm currently trying to save up some money so I don't have to rush into anything after University. Hopefully if I save up a bit of money I can take […] Mae cyfle i chi ddarllen am lysgenhadon y Coleg Cymraeg yn y blog arbennig sy’n sôn am eu profiadau o fod yn fyfyrwyr mewn prifysgolion ledled Cymru sef Llais […]
I have been vegetarian for just over three years and most of this time I've spent living in Cardiff. I spend a lot of my leftover money on trying new […]
A quick video covering two Give it a Go events that Cardiff University has put on recently. This is just one from a series dedicated to Give it a Go... […]
Hi guys! I’m Wendy, another new Insider on the block and here to lay down the law on what the School of Social Sciences (SOCSI) at Cardiff is about! As […]
Y flwyddyn hon un peth newydd rwyf wedi bod yn gweithio ar efo cwpl o ffrindiau yw ceisio dechrau cymdeithas newydd i fyfyrwyr sydd yn canolbwyntio ar oncoleg. Efalle mai’n […]
Hell guys! I thought I would do another post with some frequently asked questions about Cardiff University and placements. 1. Where can you go during placement year? I think I've answered […]
Ar ôl Haf anhygoel mae’n amser ddychwelyd i Gaerdydd. Yn y flwyddyn academiadd sydd newydd fod fues i yn astudio gradd rhyngosod mewn geneteg feddygol ag fellu rwyf yn ddisgwyl […]