Yn ddiweddar, mi fues i'n aelod o banel cwestiwn ac ateb ar gyfer wythnos profiad gwaith rhaglen Gwyddoniaeth mewn Iechyd yr Ysgol Feddygaeth i ddysgwyr ysgol blwyddyn 12 yn ateb […]
Throughout my first year of university, I visited a few and ordered from a range of restaurants that have great vegan options! My favourite place to order from was by […]
Psychology PhD student Adelina recently won an award for her incredible work as a Residence Life Assistant (RLA) where she passionately sought to deliver a quality experience to fellow Cardiff […]
Completing your first year of university is a great achievement. You have successfully lived away from home for a year and you are a third of the way to finishing […]
Welsh TikTok sensation, Ellis, has not only spent the last year spreading joy to his 189,000 followers, but has been working with Welsh government to help them stay informed and […]
Bydd y rhai ohonoch sydd wedi darllen fy mlogiau eraill yn gwybod fy mod wedi treulio'r flwyddyn academaidd 2020/21 yn cwblhau gradd ymsang mewn Ffarmacoleg. Gradd ychwanegol yw gradd ymsang, […]
Shopping for yourself is something new you have to do at uni, in this blog, I will break down all the available supermarkets that are near the Cardiff University residence […]