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What I wish I would have known before starting my 3rd year at university.

What I wish I would have known before starting my 3rd year at university.

Posted on 19 August 2021 by Jess

Having just completed my 3rd and final year at university, I thought I would write a blog on what I wished I would have known before starting my 3rd year, […]

Study Tips: Using Active Recall to save time revising

Study Tips: Using Active Recall to save time revising

Posted on 18 August 2021 by Nick

Welcome to my second blog in my own mini-series on ‘Study Tips’ where I aim to share advice on different techniques that I have found useful. Hopefully, we can start […]

Study tips – Pomodoro Technique

Study tips – Pomodoro Technique

Posted on 11 August 2021 by Nick

University can often create anxiety among students, due to changes in how the curriculum is taught and the level of self-directed learning expected.Personally, I found the jump between A-levels and […]

My Experience Studying MA Magazine Journalism at Cardiff University

My Experience Studying MA Magazine Journalism at Cardiff University

Posted on 26 July 2021 by Ellie

Well this is it – the end is nearly insight as I wrap up four years of studying and living in the Welsh capital. Having completed my undergraduate in BA […]

Fy Nhaith i’r Ysgol Feddygaeth

Fy Nhaith i’r Ysgol Feddygaeth

Posted on 12 July 2021 by Shôn

Yn ddiweddar, mi fues i'n aelod o banel cwestiwn ac ateb ar gyfer wythnos profiad gwaith rhaglen Gwyddoniaeth mewn Iechyd yr Ysgol Feddygaeth i ddysgwyr ysgol blwyddyn 12 yn ateb […]

Cardiff Student Heroes: Ellis

Cardiff Student Heroes: Ellis

Posted on 23 June 2021 by Ellie

Welsh TikTok sensation, Ellis, has not only spent the last year spreading joy to his 189,000 followers, but has been working with Welsh government to help them stay informed and […]

Myfyrio ar ôl Blwyddyn yn Cwblhau Gradd Ymsang

Myfyrio ar ôl Blwyddyn yn Cwblhau Gradd Ymsang

Posted on 17 June 2021 by Shôn

Bydd y rhai ohonoch sydd wedi darllen fy mlogiau eraill yn gwybod fy mod wedi treulio'r flwyddyn academaidd 2020/21 yn cwblhau gradd ymsang mewn Ffarmacoleg. Gradd ychwanegol yw gradd ymsang, […]

Top 5 Coffee Shops to do work in

Top 5 Coffee Shops to do work in

Posted on 5 June 2021 by Rowenna

Exam season can be a daunting time, especially when you have to work in your room or your kitchen as this is not always a quiet space where it is […]

Cardiff Student Heroes: Tillie

Cardiff Student Heroes: Tillie

Posted on 16 May 2021 by Ellie

BA Chinese Student and founder of Page Illustrations, Tillie, won the Student Start Up Curious Explorer Award after launching her business on Etsy in June last year. She was entered […]

Cardiff Student Heroes: Catriona

Cardiff Student Heroes: Catriona

Posted on 13 May 2021 by Ellie

After winning the ‘Reach journalism for a digital audience award’ from the National Council for the Training of Journalists (NCTJ), Catriona’s career as a news reporter has gone from strength […]