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Applying to University

School/College vs University

School/College vs University

Posted on 5 February 2019 by Ellie

Going to university is for many, the first major decision people make in their lives these days. Of course, university isn’t the sole road to success and no-one should feel […]

My Experience of University Life So Far

My Experience of University Life So Far

Posted on 30 January 2019 by Katie

Everyone's first semester at university is bound to be different. It's a major step up from high school or college - bringing new friends, new places and new experiences. My […]

Languages for All!

Languages for All!

Posted on 24 January 2019 by Gee

Okay, so today I am going to discuss something that Cardiff University offers that I did not know until third year, which thankfully was not too late! Cardiff Universities modern […]

Open Days – VLOG

Open Days – VLOG

Posted on 17 January 2019 by Gee

Welcome to the second video blog of three. In this video, I discuss open days and what I found the most interesting and helpful! If you have any questions, do […]

Applying to University – VLOG

Applying to University – VLOG

Posted on 17 January 2019 by Gee

Welcome to the first video blog of three, talking about different aspects of University. In this video, I discuss why I decided to go to University, when I applied and […]

Top Tips for Writing Your UCAS Personal Statement

Top Tips for Writing Your UCAS Personal Statement

Posted on 20 November 2018 by Ellie

It is that time of year when the stress of applying to university and thinking of your future plans seems to hit you out of nowhere. Don’t worry. Every uni […]

Student Tips On What To Do On An Open Day

Student Tips On What To Do On An Open Day

Posted on 29 October 2018 by Gee

Looking back on my time as a prospective student, I wish I did go to more Open Days and spend good quality time at the University when I did attend. […]

Why I chose Cardiff

Why I chose Cardiff

Posted on 10 August 2018 by Barbara

The city is beautiful. I visited Cardiff when I was 15 in December and found the Christmas atmosphere captivating. The Winter Wonderland and city centre stalls make you feel cheerful. […]

Results day- Changed your mind?

Results day- Changed your mind?

Posted on 8 August 2018 by Barbara

At this time of year, when exam results are just around the corner, you might be asking yourself whether you made the right choice deciding which course you want to […]

Settling in to Cardiff University

Settling in to Cardiff University

Posted on 8 August 2018 by Elin

After receiving a place at Cardiff Uni through clearing I was incredibly happy but I was also very nervous to start at a university I had not initially planned to […]