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The best coffee stops in Granada

The best coffee stops in Granada

Posted on 15 August 2021 by Millie Roberts

One of the first things I wanted to know when arriving in Granada was where I could get an amazing coffee. The truth is, almost every coffee you will have […]

Staying out of trouble in Italy

Staying out of trouble in Italy

Posted on 17 September 2019 by Phoebe Grinter

@cardiffunitravel Phoebe Grinter Italy’s reputation for pizza, pasta and bureaucracy is well known. What people are less aware of are the new visitor-aimed rules and regulations that they have introduced […]

Lingomap: Social Issues

Posted on 14 July 2018 by Katy Stone

Coucou tout le monde ! (Hello everyone!) My final blog is based on social issues in France. As this topic is quite broad, I have tried to narrow down a […]

LingoMaps: Las ferias nacionales españolas y las zonas locales de interés

Posted on 8 July 2018 by Lewis Hacker

¡Hola a todos! Espero que estéis disfrutando del buen tiempo. Esta entrada es mi última de mi año Erasmus y se trata de las ferias nacionales españolas y las zonas […]

Lingomap: National Holidays and local area of interest

Posted on 10 June 2018 by Katy Stone

Salut et bienvenue ! Today's blog will cover the topic of National Holidays and local area of interest. Un jour férié national est un jour nationalement reconnu où la plupart des entreprises […]

National holidays and local area of interest.

Posted on 23 May 2018 by Emily James

Coming abroad to work as an English teacher has been quite restricting on my schedule. Of course, I’m loving every second of it but actually having a job does mean […]

LingoMaps: La cultura salamantina y castellana y las características de España

Posted on 10 May 2018 by Lewis Hacker

¡Hola! ¿Qué pasa? The topic of this month’s blog is ‘Local and Regional Culture and the Characteristics of your Country’. Salamanca has had a large impact on the creation of […]

An A-Z of the Best Food and Drink Spain Has to Offer

Posted on 8 May 2018 by Hannah Qunibi

¡Bienvenidos todos! I’m now over three months into my semester abroad here in Ciudad Real and I’ve very much been enjoying everything Spain has to offer, especially the food! I […]

Lingomap: Food & Drink

Posted on 18 April 2018 by Katy Stone

Bonjour à tous et à toutes ! Today’s blog will cover the topic of Food & Drink. There are so many delicious specialities offered by French cuisine, it’s hard to […]

LingoMap: Travel and Transport

Posted on 10 April 2018 by Eloisa Payne

  Hallo und wilkommen zu meinem dritten blog für LingoMap! Jetzt bin ich für einen Monat für mein zweites Auslandssemester in Köln in Deutschland. Nach anfänglichen Schwierigkeiten, einschließlich der Tatsache, dass ich […]

LingoMap: Entertainment and Leisure

Posted on 3 March 2018 by Eloisa Payne

Bonjour tout le monde, j'espère que vous allez bien ! Bienvenue à mon deuxième blog pour LingoMap ! Ayant été donné le sujet plutôt général du divertissement et les loisirs, je vais parler de mes voyages à la […]

Lingomap: Health and fitness

Posted on 25 February 2018 by Katy Stone

Salut et bienvenue à mon blog sur la santé et la forme physique ! I am currently in my second semester at Université Savoie Mont Blanc in Chambéry. Thanks to its […]

Lingomap: Food and drink

Posted on 24 February 2018 by Emily James

Hello, me again! Este semestre yo estoy enseñando ingles en Salamanca, que es una ciudad en el noroeste de España. Salamanca es la capital de la comunidad autónoma de Castilla […]

Lingomap: Health and Fitness

Posted on 22 January 2018 by Eloisa Payne

Bonjour tout le monde ! Bienvenue à mon premier blog pour Routes into Languages Lingomap. Je m’appelle Eloisa et maintenant je suis en troisième année de français et allemand à […]

Lingomap: Health and fitness

Posted on 20 January 2018 by Emily James

I spent the first semester of my year abroad in a town called Chambery, in the Rhône-alpes region of France (South East). The town itself was quite quiet, but because […]

LingoMap: Technology and Social Media

Posted on 20 January 2018 by Katy Stone

Bonjour tout le monde ! (Hello everybody!) Ça va ? (How are you?) This is my first submission for the Routes into Languages LingoMap blog. As you can see from […]

Culture Shock – 5 Cultural Differences in France

Culture Shock – 5 Cultural Differences in France

Posted on 26 October 2017 by Kimberly Field

Bonjour! It’s now been two months since I arrived in Nantes and I thought I would write this post about my experience of the culture here so far. When you […]

The Celtic culture: alive and passionate!

The Celtic culture: alive and passionate!

Posted on 12 October 2017 by Kimberly Field

Hello, my name is Kimberly, I study French and Spanish and have recently started the first half of my Year Abroad in Nantes! Before I write about my year abroad […]

Nantes month one: I’ve arrived and I’m alive!

Posted on 2 October 2017 by Clarissa Le Neindre-Hubbard

“You can never understand one language until you understand at least two.” – Geoffrey Willans It’s all too easy to forget the reason we’ve come on a year abroad, especially […]

The Final Week: さようなら日本

Posted on 16 August 2017 by Laura Davies

At long last, yet seemingly all too soon, the month-long Yamagata project is over and I am safely back in the UK, still a little jetlagged but otherwise no worse […]