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Summer Programmes


Posted on 15 July 2016 by Hebe Fletcher

Tourisdent? Toural? Residourist? Who knows… The most peculiar thing I have found so far about my experience of the summer school is that I haven’t quite found my place in […]


Posted on 15 July 2016 by Hebe Fletcher

The Friday before classes started, we had our orientation at Sciences Po. Do you remember the painful small talk of the first week on university that left everyone wanting to […]

The Rice Fields

The Rice Fields

Posted on 15 July 2016 by Samantha Edgson

Beautiful, isn't it? This morning was great. As much as we still had to get up ridiculously early, we did not have to dress for school. Why? Because we were […]

Thursday is Scout Day

Posted on 14 July 2016 by Samantha Edgson

Every Thursday the students wear their scout or cadet uniforms to school. It’s incredible and everyone looks really smart. Apparently in Thailand scouts is mandatory so you don’t get a […]

Our Welcome Party

Our Welcome Party

Posted on 13 July 2016 by Samantha Edgson

Yesterday we were told to prepare a speech for the welcoming ceremony today. So last night after dinner, playing with their dogs (Charlie, Sarah and Milo – who is chunky […]

Visiting Another School

Posted on 13 July 2016 by Samantha Edgson

Today we did not have any lessons as we were visiting another school. Another school in Muang Samsip was holding a singing and dancing competition and a small fair with […]

English Club

English Club

Posted on 12 July 2016 by Samantha Edgson

Knowing I had to teach first thing unfortunately did not make getting up any easier. It was G.10 at 8.30am and after looking through the textbook I had planned to […]

My First Day Teaching

My First Day Teaching

Posted on 11 July 2016 by Samantha Edgson

So having done no planning the previous day, I spent the first two hours of my day panicking about the three classes I had. I managed to put together a […]

My First Day at School

My First Day at School

Posted on 11 July 2016 by Samantha Edgson

Despite that we weren’t teaching on Monday, we still had to get up incredibly early. We went to breakfast at 7.30am to be introduced to the school at their assembly […]

English Quiz

Posted on 11 July 2016 by Samantha Edgson

Today we did not get pancakes. It was incredibly disappointing during the early morning after a weekend of relaxing. We did get fried egg and rice though, so it wasn’t […]

The First 24 Hours

Posted on 10 July 2016 by Hebe Fletcher

For friends and family: Anyone who knows me, will know how excited I have been about this trip for a very long time. The wannabe Parisian in me has been […]

The Day of Rest in Ubon

Posted on 10 July 2016 by Samantha Edgson

Sleeping in until 8am the next day was blissful. With breakfast being at 9am we didn’t need to be up too early. At breakfast we were all offered tea or […]

Travelling Again

Posted on 10 July 2016 by Samantha Edgson

After reluctantly pulling myself out of bed, showering and having a minimal breakfast, all of us traipsed downstairs to anxiously weigh our luggage. I had over packed my hand luggage, […]

Jet-lagged in the City of Angels

Posted on 8 July 2016 by Samantha Edgson

My first impression of Bangkok was endless traffic I could see out of the window of the minibus from the airport to the hotel.  Except when I fell asleep, but even that was because of […]

Travelling to the Kingdom of Thailand

Posted on 8 July 2016 by Samantha Edgson

What’s so great about getting up at 3.30 am on a Wednesday in June? No, it was not the fabulous sunrise. Nor was it baked beans on toast with a […]

Wow! GLS Schule in Berlin – really, just wow!

Posted on 17 September 2014 by Daniel Krajnik

Wow, really! Such a programme is just a fantastic way to spend your holidays. I did a German course in GLS Schule in Berlin, after which you will never put […]

A month in Salamanca learning Spanish

A month in Salamanca learning Spanish

Posted on 8 September 2014 by Juliette Jensen

Pre-departure The best feeling was when I received an email congratulating me on my success in achieving a grant to study abroad. I had the option of choosing where to […]

Chris speaks to Student Blas about Volunteering in Africa

Chris speaks to Student Blas about Volunteering in Africa

Posted on 4 September 2014 by Christopher Beynon

Blas caught up with Chris Beynon, a final year Economics student who spent last summer volunteering in Burundi, a small country in central Africa with Tearfund as part of the […]

Nearly two weeks in LA!

Posted on 21 August 2014 by Lauren Booth

Well, I've been in Los Angeles for 11 days now, and have had the most fantastic time. Getting moved in was pretty nerve wracking (just knowing which way to cross […]

My Summer Adventure in China

My Summer Adventure in China

Posted on 21 August 2014 by Olivia Witt

Hello, my name is Olivia and I spent 4 weeks in China this summer completing a Chinese language course at the prestigious Xiamen University. Xiamen is in the south of […]