Wave Modelling for Wave Hub (WM4WH)

Plarmis Wave Energy Generator
This project is funded by SWDA as part of PRIMaRE project. The project is to provide characterization of the wave resources at the Wave Hub site, off the north coast of Cornwell, and the surrounding waters. The study also includes the predictions of wave climate under different IPCC greenhouse gas emission scenarios (B2, A1B and A2) for next 60 years, as well as the impact on the wave power generation.
My Role: CI
- To supervise the wave modelling activities
- To help analyse the results
- Zacharioudaki, A., Pan, S., Simmonds, D., Magar, V. and Reeve, D. E. (2011), “Future wave climate over the Western European Shelf.” Ocean Dynamics, 61(6), 807-827, [DOI: 10.1007/s10236-011-0395-6]
- Reeve, D. E., Chen, Y., Pan, S., Magar, V., Simmonds, D. and Zacharioudaki, A. (2011), “An investigation of the impacts of climate change on wave energy generation: The Wave Hub, Cornwall, UK”, Renewable Energy, 36(9), 2404-2413
- Reeve, D. E., Chen, Y., Pan, S., Magar, V., Simmonds, D. (2011), “Impact of Climate Change on Wave Energy Generation near the Wave Hub, Cornwall, UK”, Proceedings of the 9th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC 2011), Southampton, UK, 05-09 September 2011