Water Informatics: Science and Engineering (WISE) – Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT)

Launched in September 2014, the Water Informatics: Science and Engineering (WISE) Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) offers an exciting learning environment that provides students with the opportunity to develop and carry out PhD-level research.

This CDT is a partnership between the Universities of Exeter, Bath and Bristol and Cardiff, and offers the added benefit of taught courses to give students a solid background in their chosen discipline, close collaboration with industry , as well as international research visit.

The PhD  programme is four years long, with the first year being taught at the University of Exeter. In the remaining three years, students complete a supervised project at one of the four partner universities. Sometimes this project is completed in collaboration with an industrial partner.

Further details can be found from the WISE-CDT website.

My Role: Co-I & Co-director

for Cardiff University, with particular response for International Research Visits of the CDT.