Sand Transport in Oscillatory Flows in the Sheet-flow Regime (SANTOSS)

Research Team
The SANTOSS project is to study the impact of sheet flow, occurring under high wave conditions when flow velocities at the seabed are high, on the overall sediment budget for a coastal area due to the very high sand transport rates associated. This project is a collaborative venture led by Aberdeen Univeristy in the UK and Twente University in the Netherlands. The contribution from the Coastal Modelling Group of Liverpool University to the project is to provide results from a two-phase model, developed in the Liverpool-led LUBA project, a recently completed collaborative project between Universities of Liverpool, Wales (Bangor) and Aberdeen, to assist with parameterisation for practical model predictions.
My Role: CI
- Malarkey, J., Pan, S., Li, M., O’Donoghue, T., Davies, A. G. and O’Connor, B. A. (2009), “Modelling and observation of oscillatory sheet-flow sediment transport”, Ocean Engineering, 36(11), 873-890
- Li, M., Pan, S. and O’Connor, B. A. (2008), “A two-phase numerical model for sediment transport prediction under oscillatory sheet flows”, Coastal Engineering, 55(12), 1159-1173