Larger-scale Morphodynamic Impacts of Segmented Shore-Parallel Breakwaters (SSPB) on Coasts and Beaches (LEACOAST2)

The Team
This EPSRC-funded project is a collaborative venture between the Universities of Liverpool (UL), East Anglia (UEA) and Plymouth (UP), and Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory (POL) and British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC), who are sub-contracted to the project for field measurements and data management, as well as the end-users including Halcrow Maritime (HAL) and HR Wallingford (HRW), who are funded in parallel by the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and the Environmental Agency (EA) to incorporate project results into national design guidelines. The main objective of this research is to evaluate the generic effects of shore-parallel breakwaters in tidal conditions on coastal morphology on scales of kilometres and years, using a combination of deterministic and probabilistic morphological modelling and newly collected hydrodynamic and morphological data. The research builds upon the results from the recently-completed EPSRC project – LEACOAST (UL, UEA, HAL and HRW) with wider aims and objectives focussing on time and space-scales appropriate for shoreline management plans, and on providing results that are of generic value for the UK coastal environment. The study will make use of both existing field and model data and engineering experience as well as newly acquired field data from the nine segmented shore-parallel breakwaters at Sea Palling, Norfolk and their impacts on the low-lying, flood-prone coastal sub-cell between Happisburgh and Waxham.
My Role: Coordinating PI
- To coordinate the project and oversee the project progress as the Coordinating PI
- To lead the process modelling activities
- To refine the COAST2D Model to include wave-overtopping
- Pan S, Reeve D, Davidson M, O’Connor B, Vincent C, Dolphin T, Wolf J, Thorne P, Bell P, Souza A, Chesher T, Johnson H, Leadbetter A, Larger-scale morphodynamic impacts of segmented shore-parallel breakwaters on coasts and beaches: An overview of the LEACOAST2 project , Shore and Beach , 79 (1) (2011) 35-43 ISSN 0037-4237
- Du Y, Pan S, Chen Y, Modelling the effect of wave overtopping on nearshore hydrodynamics and morphodynamics around shore-parallel breakwaters, Coastal Engineering , 57 (9) (2010) 812-826 ISSN 0378-3839 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2010.04.005
- Du Y, Wang S, Liu C, Zhou H, Pan S, Yin S, Mao Z, Yang S, Modelling shore-parallel breakwaters effects on coastal morphology in various wave and tidal conditions at Sea Palling, ISOPE 2012 , (2012)
- Du Y, Pan S, Chen Y, Numerical simulation of wave overtopping breakwaters , Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Coastal Engineering, 2008, Hamburg, Germany, 31 August–5 September 2008 , 4 (2009) 3120-3130 ISBN 9789814277365 10.1142/9789814277426_0258