We have a number of events coming up around the UK, for a mixture of teachers, schools and the public.

Hands-on astronomy: Teacher Conferences
Cardiff University will host two conferences in April 2015 to showcase astronomy resources to UK secondary teachers. Each conference will consist of a two-day meeting in April and a follow-up meeting in July. Participation at the conferences will be funded by the National Science Learning Centre’s ENTHUSE Awards.
Location: Cardiff University
Suitable for: Teachers/educators (11-19)
Cost: Free
Partner organisations: Open Discovery Space, Open Discovery Space, National Schools’ Observatory
Solar System and Space Missions:
Mon 13th April – Tue 14th April 2015 & Wed 1st July 2015
Booking form
Stars, Galaxies and Cosmology:
Wed 15th April – Thu 16th April 2015 & Thu 2nd July 2015
Booking form