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The Cardiff University Research Data Repository : supporting our research community in data sharing

The Cardiff University Research Data Repository : supporting our research community in data sharing

Posted on 23 October 2024 by CardiffUniOA

by Kellie Snow, Research Librarian, University Library Service Many major funders and publishers have policies in place around the sharing of research data. Cardiff University also requires the sharing of […]

‘OR4’ – Recognising and rewarding open research

‘OR4’ – Recognising and rewarding open research

Posted on 22 October 2024 by CardiffUniOA

By Karen Desborough, Research Culture Officer Cardiff University leads on the community of practice deliverable of the ‘OR4’ project, part of the UK Reproducibility Network (UKRN) Open Research Programme. OR4 […]

Welcome to Open Access Week 2024

Welcome to Open Access Week 2024

Posted on 21 October 2024 by CardiffUniOA

by Helen Sharp, Scholarly Publications Specialist, Open Access Support Team, University Library Service Today marks the start of International Open Access Week 2024 . Last year’s theme  “Community over Commercialisation” […]

Recent Open Access monograph publications from Cardiff University Press

Recent Open Access monograph publications from Cardiff University Press

Posted on 28 October 2022 by CardiffUniOA

by Alice Percival, Cardiff University Press Executive Officer, University Library Service (previously posted in Cardiff University Press blog ) To mark Open Access week we're featuring our latest three monographs, […]

Research Data Access Statements Explained

Research Data Access Statements Explained

Posted on 27 October 2022 by CardiffUniOA

by Kellie Snow, Research Data Librarian, University Library Service The new UKRI Open Access policy, which came into force on 1st April 2022, requires all in-scope research articles “to include […]

Cardiff University Press launches the Journal of Ammonia Energy

Cardiff University Press launches the Journal of Ammonia Energy

Posted on 26 October 2022 by CardiffUniOA

“Open For Climate Justice” is the theme of International Open Access Week 2022 Guest blogger Prof Agustin Valera Medina, Director of Cardiff University’s Net Zero Innovation Institute, describes research into […]

What is an ORCID and why should I have one?

What is an ORCID and why should I have one?

Posted on 25 October 2022 by CardiffUniOA

by Louise Harrington, Assistant Repository Manager, University Library Service   An ORCID is a unique persistent digital identifier that you own and control, and which distinguishes you from other researchers, particularly […]

Introducing International Open Access Week 2022

Introducing International Open Access Week 2022

Posted on 24 October 2022 by CardiffUniOA

To mark the first day of International Open Access Week 2022 we have put together a special edition infographic to illustrate Cardiff University’s OA publishing activity over the last 12 […]

“Read and Publish” agreements – enhancing OA publishing opportunities in line with funder requirements

“Read and Publish” agreements – enhancing OA publishing opportunities in line with funder requirements

Posted on 29 October 2021 by CardiffUniOA

Since last year’s Open Access Week Cardiff University has signed up to a further eight Read and Publish agreements, bringing the current total to eighteen. The Read and Publish model […]

Cardiff University’s commitment to DORA and equitable authorship

Cardiff University’s commitment to DORA and equitable authorship

Posted on 28 October 2021 by CardiffUniOA

A recent post on the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) website highlights the growing interactions between DORA and the open scholarship movement, including a shared goal of equitable […]