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October 2021

“Read and Publish” agreements – enhancing OA publishing opportunities in line with funder requirements

“Read and Publish” agreements – enhancing OA publishing opportunities in line with funder requirements

Posted on 29 October 2021 by CardiffUniOA

Since last year’s Open Access Week Cardiff University has signed up to a further eight Read and Publish agreements, bringing the current total to eighteen. The Read and Publish model […]

Cardiff University’s commitment to DORA and equitable authorship

Cardiff University’s commitment to DORA and equitable authorship

Posted on 28 October 2021 by CardiffUniOA

A recent post on the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) website highlights the growing interactions between DORA and the open scholarship movement, including a shared goal of equitable […]

Cardiff University Press supports equitable Open Access

Cardiff University Press supports equitable Open Access

Posted on 27 October 2021 by CardiffUniOA

As a fully Open Access publisher of peer reviewed academic research, Cardiff University Press supports equity, diversity, and inclusion. The aims of the Press include enabling innovative publishing opportunities not […]

Cardiff University Research Data Repository: supporting open access to research data

Cardiff University Research Data Repository: supporting open access to research data

Posted on 26 October 2021 by CardiffUniOA

by Kellie Snow, Research Data Manager, University Library Service For the past few years Cardiff University has been working towards the implementation of a fully-fledged institutional research data repository. This […]

Highlighting International Open Access Week 2021

Highlighting International Open Access Week 2021

Posted on 25 October 2021 by CardiffUniOA

To celebrate the first day of Open Access Week 2021 here is a special edition of our infographic, covering our OA activity over the last 12 months. International Open Access […]