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Oriau agor haf y llyfrgell 2024 | Library summer opening hours 2024

Posted on 29 May 2024 by Rob

Oriau Agor Haf y Llyfrgell, 17 Mehefin-22 Medi 2024 Llyfrgell Iechyd – 24/7 Llyfrgell y Celfyddydau ac Astudiaethau Cymdeithasol – Dydd Llun i Ddydd Gwener: 08:45-21:00*, Dydd Sadwrn: 10:00-17:00, Dydd […]

Libraries in collaboration: sustainability events at Cardiff University Library and the British Library

Posted on 15 November 2023 by Erika Smits

The urgency of the climate crisis is increasingly reflected in strategic and practical activities of libraries worldwide. This activity touches on all aspects of work in libraries, including their spaces, […]

Llyfrgelloedd ar y cyd: digwyddiadau cynaliadwyedd yn Llyfrgell Prifysgol Caerdydd a’r Llyfrgell Brydeinig

Posted on 15 November 2023 by Erika Smits

Adlewyrchir brys yr argyfwng hinsawdd fwyfwy yng ngweithgareddau strategol ac ymarferol llyfrgelloedd ledled y byd. Mae'r gweithgaredd hwn yn cyffwrdd â phob agwedd ar waith mewn llyfrgelloedd, gan gynnwys eu […]

Cysylltu â ni | Connect with us

Posted on 17 September 2020 by Rob

Sgwrs â'r Llyfrgell Mae 'Sgwrs â'r llyfrgell' yn offeryn negeseua ar-lein sy'n galluogi defnyddwyr i gysylltu gydag aelod o staff yn un o lyfrgelloedd y Brifysgol ac i dderbyn ymateb […]

Cefndiroedd rhithwir Zoom

Posted on 17 June 2020 by Rob

Mae Prifysgol Caerdydd wedi tanysgrifio am becyn llawn Zoom ar gyfer sgwrsio fideo, sy’n golygu nad oes terfyn amser i’n myfyrwyr a’n staff. Perffaith ar gyfer gwaith grŵp, cyfarfodydd ar-lein […]

Zoom virtual backgrounds

Posted on 11 June 2020 by Rob

Cardiff University subscribes to the full Zoom video chat package, meaning no cut-off times for our students and staff. Perfect for group work, online meetings (up to 300 participants) or […]

The Inter Library Loan team is introducing DRM Lite for its delivery of British Library electronic journal articles and chapters

Posted on 27 November 2017 by Jacqueline Roach

What is DRM Lite? It is a plug-in free electronic delivery method used by the British Library. It allows delivery of secure, encrypted documents in accordance with Copyright Legislation. In […]


Posted on 27 July 2017 by Mariann Hilliar

Scopus now includes Plum Analytics data, so each publication now has easy to access altmetrics. Data includes: Usage – for example, clicks, downloads and views. Captures – for example, bookmarks […]

Share your Christmas classics with us for a chance to win £25!

Share your Christmas classics with us for a chance to win £25!

Posted on 1 December 2015 by Rob

We need you to share your favourite Christmas TV (or radio) hit from the Box of Broadcast's archive of over a million broadcasts on over 60+ TV and radio channels. […]

SCOLAR Rare Books Lecture Series: Prof. Edna Longley on Edward Thomas

Posted on 8 October 2015 by Matt Harvey

The SCOLAR Rare Books Lecture Series recommences for 2015/16: a series of talks with a connection to Cardiff University's Special Collections and Archives. This October, Professor Emerita Edna Longley, of […]