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Advice for Students

Time Management for Students: Navigating Campus Life with Precision

26 September 2023
Businesswoman writing on office window.
Businesswoman writing on office window.

Hello, fellow campus explorers! College life can be overwhelming with classes, clubs, and connections to manage. But fear not, because the magic wand to conjure success on campus is time management. In this blog, we’ll demystify the art of effective time management and introduce you to some fantastic mobile applications that will help you conquer college life. Ready to optimize your journey? Let’s dive in!

  1. Prioritise Like a Pro

Imagine this scenario: your class project is due, you have a club meeting, and your favourite band is in town for a one-night-only concert. This is where prioritisation takes centre stage:

Example: With a clear understanding of your priorities, you realize that completing the class project is paramount. You use a task management app like Todoist to create a task with a deadline and break it into smaller steps. This way, you ensure you’re making steady progress while keeping an eye on your other commitments, like rescheduling the club meeting and getting those concert tickets for later.

  1. Plan with Precision

A well-structured plan is like a treasure map that leads you to success. Weekly scheduling is your trusty compass:

Example: You’re using Google Calendar to plan your week. You allocate specific time slots for classes, study sessions, and your part-time job. But you also make sure to block out time for personal wellness and relaxation, like yoga sessions and meditation. With this plan in place, you’re not just managing your time; you’re nurturing your well-being too.

  1. Divide and Conquer Goals

Goals are like puzzles, and breaking them into manageable tasks makes them easier to solve:

Example: Say your goal is to secure an internship. You use Trello, a project management app, to create a board dedicated to your internship hunt. Within this board, you make lists like ‘Research Companies,’ ‘Update Resume,’ ‘Networking,’ and ‘Apply to Positions.’ Each list contains cards with specific tasks. This way, you’re tracking your progress and ensuring that no step is overlooked.

  1. Tech Tools at Your Fingertips

Your smartphone isn’t just a communication device; it’s a toolbox of productivity apps. Put them to work for you:

Example: Evernote becomes your digital brain. You use it to jot down class notes, ideas, and to-do lists. With its seamless sync across devices, you’re always in control. Additionally, you employ Forest, a gamified app that rewards you for staying focused. As you work on your tasks, you grow virtual trees that represent your productivity. It’s a fun way to beat procrastination.

  1. Ride Your Productivity Peaks

We all have times when our energy and focus soar. Identify your peak hours and schedule demanding tasks accordingly:

Example: If you’re most alert and productive in the morning, you utilise that time for intensive study sessions, complex assignments, or research. And during your afternoon slump, you tackle less demanding tasks or take a short break. With the Pomodone app, you employ the Pomodoro Technique, working in focused bursts and rewarding yourself with short breaks. This method maximises your productivity during those peak hours.

Time management is your compass to navigate the thrilling landscape of university life. By embracing prioritisation, precise planning, goal breakdown, tech tools, and leveraging your productivity peaks, you’ll master your time. And with the help of mobile applications, such as Todoist, Google Calendar, Trello, Evernote, and Forest, you’ll be equipped to conquer your campus journey with ease. Remember, it’s not about having more time; it’s about making the most of the time you have. So, embrace these strategies and apps, and let your college adventure flourish!