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Resources for Transition to 1st Year  Medicine!

Resources for Transition to 1st Year Medicine!

Posted on 12 April 2020 by Ellen

When starting medicine, one of the most important elements to grasp is an understanding of how everything fits together. It can be easy to separate your anatomy completely from your microanatomy […]

English Literature Crash Course

English Literature Crash Course

Posted on 17 March 2020 by Rowenna

Often English Literature is perceived as a course where you simply read, consider the way that the colour of curtains reflects the mood of the author and essentially pull out […]

Making the Most of Reading Week

Making the Most of Reading Week

Posted on 2 March 2020 by Ellie

Although not getting the same half terms as schools and colleges, some university students are blessed with having something called a reading week. This is essentially a period in the […]

The Big Cardiff Bucket List

The Big Cardiff Bucket List

Posted on 29 January 2020 by Ellie

The end of my three years studying at Cardiff University is in sight, and no I am not happy about it. In July of this year I will be graduating […]

Top City Study Spaces

Top City Study Spaces

Posted on 10 September 2019 by Ellie

Every student has their favourite study time, study buddy and study space. But where is the prime place to put your head down and churn out that essay? Look no […]

Revision tips for 6th form students

Revision tips for 6th form students

Posted on 25 May 2018 by Gee

My second year studying Journalism and Communications at Cardiff University has come to an end. Though I am so relieved and grateful to be back at home, it has come […]

5 ways to make it through the exam season

5 ways to make it through the exam season

Posted on 25 March 2017 by Wendy

So it's come to that time of the year where the Easter holidays are nearly here and you're excited to be finally having a break! However there is also the […]