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Shaping Future Careers with AI: Cardiff University’s Cutting-Edge Programs

Shaping Future Careers with AI: Cardiff University’s Cutting-Edge Programs

Posted on 17 May 2024 by Lydia

While working on a project for my International Journalism MA at Cardiff University, I came across some exciting news: Cardiff is officially the most AI-savvy city in the UK! This […]

A Week in the Life of Language Course Student at Cardiff University

A Week in the Life of Language Course Student at Cardiff University

Posted on 16 April 2024 by Lydia

Hey there, future Cardiff Uni mates! As you gear up for the exciting journey that lies ahead, I bet you're bubbling with a mix of anticipation and, let’s be honest, […]

Choosing a course

Choosing a course

Posted on 2 April 2024 by Jasmine

From someone who, in all transparency, flipped a coin to make her choice, it can be a challenging decision. With the weight of being concerned about the paths that your […]

How I dealt with unexpected low grades and their aftermath!

How I dealt with unexpected low grades and their aftermath!

Posted on 5 March 2024 by Muskaan

For more students than not, studying and living at university is a mixed bag- full of great grades, friends, independence and excitement but also low grades, stress, anxiety and more. […]

Celebrate Your Success: Rewarding Yourself After Cardiff’s Exam Week

Celebrate Your Success: Rewarding Yourself After Cardiff’s Exam Week

Posted on 31 January 2024 by Lydia

Exam week at Cardiff is over, and it's time to shift gears from study to celebration. You've tackled the challenges and put in the effort, so now comes the well-deserved […]

Conquering Procrastination: Maximizing Efficiency During Cardiff Uni’s Exam Season

Conquering Procrastination: Maximizing Efficiency During Cardiff Uni’s Exam Season

Posted on 8 January 2024 by Lydia

Welcome back to the grind, Cardiff scholars! Cardiff Uni's exam season is right around the corner, and let’s be honest, it's easy to find ourselves doing everything but studying. It's […]

Exam Ready: Cardiff Uni’s Guide to Post-Holiday Study Success

Exam Ready: Cardiff Uni’s Guide to Post-Holiday Study Success

Posted on 8 January 2024 by Lydia

Welcome back, Cardiff Uni students! As we shake off the festive cheer and step into the new term, facing the challenge of transitioning from holiday relaxation to intensive study is […]

My favourite places to study in Cardiff

My favourite places to study in Cardiff

Posted on 11 December 2023 by Jasmine

With the beginning of December comes Christmas shopping, cute markets and cosy evenings but, for the student population at least, it comes with the end-of-semester essays and preparing for exam […]

Habits I’ve started at the beginning of the year (that I wish I’d started sooner)

Habits I’ve started at the beginning of the year (that I wish I’d started sooner)

Posted on 5 December 2023 by Jasmine

Getting into the right routine at university is key to your academic success and general well-being. The habits that you pick up at the very beginning are especially important for […]

Mastering Time: A Deadline Survival Guide

Mastering Time: A Deadline Survival Guide

Posted on 8 November 2023 by Lydia

Hey there, deadline dodgers and time travelers! As we find ourselves hurtling into November, the impending December deadlines are looming like a gigantic snowball rolling down a hill. Now, I'm […]