Student life with new housemates
2 February 2023
As a Postgraduate international student, the idea of staying and sharing with unfamiliar people from a whole different culture is unsettling. Despite the fact that everything has a blessing, the saying goes that we should step outside of our comfort zones and experience what life has to offer. This blog will give you the tools you need to have fun and spend quality time with your new friends.
Cardiff city offers a lot of options for student accommodations and I would classify them into two groups to choose the best suitable one:
- Sense of security: For University hall of Residence accommodating Graduate, post-graduate, researchers and female housings
- Sense of Comfort: Private lodgings with luxury and mix crowd of different colleges
Also, Cardiff University offers a ton of different accommodations considering mostly all of the student preferences, for me deciding on a student residence was a pretty wise move and led me to the most amazing experience with them.
Before moving to Cardiff, I met one of my flat mate in my native country, and we got along great. The institution has a strong handle on housing choices, and the university’s student network can be accessed online through the University app Goin’. Resonating and connecting felt so comfortable. I have a terrific group of five housemates, and we get extremely well together. Even though we all have different backgrounds, going home always makes you feel at home. I want to highlight some fantastic events we arrange and love together and might help you also:
Sharing food and conversation
We enjoy trying new foods, so on Friday nights, we have “Flatmates Nights,” where we sit around and talk and eat together. Sometimes we watch movies, try new recipes or just play games.
Sticky notes to write
We like to tell and invite everyone when we have plans or are simply having folks around, so leaving notes to remind or simply letting them know works. It’s a simple gesture that really just adds to the warmth and respect amongst us.
No one does the chores alone
Our household usually involves cleaning and emptying trash cans, but we always make an effort to work together and assist one another. It’s also good to have laundry days when everyone can participate.
Rule of Single language
Although some of us have the same mother tongue as others, we always try to speak in a way that is understandable to everyone and encourage others to participate
It’s always wonderful and worthy to share our experiences with others by participating in different festivals, music, and dancing.
Student life is undoubtedly an exciting time to experience and learn. Some people we meet wind up being our very best friends or even our family. We gain knowledge through our experiences, and going away is always filled with feelings. It’s great to connect since, when we were carefree university students, sometime strangers contribute to the beauty of our life, which we could later treasure.
Sharing happiness is important, and what could be better than having a friend stay next door?