Finding part time work at university
19 April 2022
Whilst studying at university, many students find part time work or an alternative stream of income to help financially support their university experience. Whether this is to assist with meeting rent or to have a little more disposable income, working alongside their studies is a common occurrence amongst Cardiff students.
Coming in a plethora of forms, there are many variations of work for students seeking employment to chose from. Cardiff University offers direct employment to its pupils through a website named “Jobshop”. Here you can find temporary employment with either the university itself or external employers who desire student employees to fill their roles. Much of this work will be event based, with bar work, helping out at open days and filming roles for sports events all being advertised at times, however they are perfect for students who can only commit to occasional workdays rather than weekly employment, whilst still providing valuable experience and transferable skills. Websites such as “Indeed” offer an alternative to this, displaying a greater number of opportunities external to the university, tending to advertise part-time employment that requires regular commitment yet yields the benefits of greater hours worked. This is a more attractive option for students who have fewer contact hours, whether that be academic or intra-university extra-curricular activities.

For those who have particular creative talents or love to perform, finding gigs as a musician or comedian are examples of inconsistent yet rewarding work doing something you enjoy. It can be difficult to find opportunities on your own when attempting to advertise your performing services, however joining societies within or outside of the university can hugely help to expand your contacts and present you with opportunities. Personally, I have been offered a performance opportunity at a Royal Navy Reserves dinner, though it was cancelled due to gale-force winds, and have played as part of a string quartet at a university administration event. Some courses, such as Pharmacy, demand a degree of practical experience, and as such you may either be assisted in finding such employment or you may have already found it on your own. These positions can require substantial hours per week though provide crucial on-the-job experience that will not only assist your studies but will also prepare you for subsequent employment in that industry.

It is important to remember that we ultimately go to university to do as well as possible in our assessments to earn our degrees, and so it is suggested that you ease your way into part time work throughout your studies, rather than committing immediately to a role that you may later find consumes too much of your time alongside your academic responsibilities. Finding an additional stream of income at university can be challenging at first, though once you identify the time commitments that you can comfortably meet and the type of work that your skillsets would make you suited to, the process becomes far more simple.