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Postiadau blog diweddaraf

Revision Tips

Revision Tips

Postiwyd ar 20 Rhagfyr 2017 gan Hope

I know I post something like this pretty much every Semester...BUT it is a good way of reminding myself, and everybody else to do these things. It is very easy […]

Revision and Final Year Project Ramble

Postiwyd ar 15 Rhagfyr 2017 gan Hope

Hello! Sorry it has been a few weeks before I posted anything, I've been stressing about revision and doing a lot of testing for my Final Year Project. I have […]

Looking for Housing

Looking for Housing

Postiwyd ar 30 Tachwedd 2017 gan Wendy

So now that I actually have experience of finding houses since I moved out of halls into my lovely 2nd year house this year, here's some advice on what to […]

20 Things I have learnt about education in 20 years

Postiwyd ar 14 Tachwedd 2017 gan Nancyanne

Hello everyone! Sunday was my 20th birthday. To celebrate this milestone, I will be writing 3 blogs titled “20 Things I have XXXXX”. This is the first. Hope you enjoy […]

Post-University Plans

Postiwyd ar 31 Hydref 2017 gan Hope

I've been dreading writing a blog about something like this, as it would mean I was terrifyingly close to the end of my degree. Help. I initially went into Psychology […]

Cardiff Cafes

Cardiff Cafes

Postiwyd ar 29 Hydref 2017 gan Wendy

Ever since I came to Cardiff, I've become a big cafe hunter. I came from a very small town so there weren't alot of independent cafes around so getting to […]

My Placement in Sri Lanka through Cardiff University

My Placement in Sri Lanka through Cardiff University

Postiwyd ar 24 Hydref 2017 gan Wendy

So it's already been a month since I came back from my placement abroad and oh my god do I miss the heat :( This summer for 5 weeks I […]

Why YOU should participate in  Seeds For The Future next year.

Why YOU should participate in Seeds For The Future next year.

Postiwyd ar 19 Medi 2017 gan Nancyanne

'Just because we have something today does not mean we will have it tomorrow'. Well, the original quote by Ren Zhengfei (founder of Huawei) is, “Just because we are here today, […]

Things to Remember for September!

Things to Remember for September!

Postiwyd ar 18 Awst 2017 gan Hope

First of all I just wanted to say well done to all of you who got what you wanted on results day! As I am now a couple of weeks […]

What to do on Results Day?

What to do on Results Day?

Postiwyd ar 17 Awst 2017 gan Lydia

On my A-level results day in 2015 I woke up at 6am to find out I hadn’t achieved the grades I needed to go to either my firm or insurance […]