When you first start university, it can be tough getting used to an entirely new environment, independent living and co-habiting with often, complete strangers. It is not uncommon that tensions […]
Cardiff is home to a number of fantastic music venues that cater to an array of tastes and genres. For those looking for a change to the standard night out, […]
Every student has their favourite study time, study buddy and study space. But where is the prime place to put your head down and churn out that essay? Look no […]
What is it? The student mentor scheme is an initiative run by the university to help first year students settle in to university life. Each fresher will be assigned a […]
Sometimes, when uni work stress gets too much, we all want a place where we can escape the madness and impending deadlines, and just take a breather. Cardiff has a […]
Who doesn’t love a late Sunday morning brunch? Luckily, Cardiff is home to a plethora of cafés serving food that is not only worthy of the insta but divinely delicious. […]
It’s a question on every person going into first year’s mind. You hear a variety of different things floating around about what exactly that first week of uni is about. […]
Following my blog post all about Cardiff University’s ‘Cardiff Award’. I thought this would be a good opportunity to mention another fantastic aspect of uni life here in Cardiff. Student […]
I genuinely can’t believe I’m writing this because it means that my semester abroad in Adelaide, Australia is coming to an end. In just 2 days’ time I will be […]
Cardiff has a whole host of departments that offer fantastic opportunities for its students. The Cardiff Award is just one of these and is something that I only just signed […]